For Daughters, Married And About-to-Marry

About relationship with your parents and parents-in-law:
  • Never think of in-laws as your opponents or enemies.
  • They have some limitations of nature, similarly you too have. Simply accept.
  • Bringing your parents in problem with in-laws does not solve it, but complicate it most of the times. Think it over,... ultimately it is your life.

Sunday Diary - Jan 3, 2010

  • One of the greatest victories you can gain over someone is to beat one at politeness. -Josh Billings 
  • Are you really in love? You are in love when you would rather not live life without the other person; when he or she is the first that springs to your mind in happiness or grief. 

At The End Of The Day... Life.

Few Sparks of Today’s Ideas

Live life, as You like it.
At the end of day, one may find out that all I did to get success, fame, friendship, relations and all such activities has nothing to do with my own self, me. And surprisingly one comes to conclusion, all these were trivial activities with no meaning whatsoever. I was wandering behind nothingness. Well, all that analysis of life at sixty or so gives wonderful surprises.

LIVE TODAY. LIVE RESPONSIBLY. LIVE as YOU please yourself. No formalities. No rituals. JUST ONE SELF.

Phasing Communication In Relations

When you start receiving the following...
  1. No new messages or emails 
  2. No mobile calls to disturb you round the day 
  3. Phones and letters are left only for death news
...don't bother much about them. Start understanding the limit of relationships and be on-guard, instead of disturbing concerned the persons.

Suicide - When and Why?

To start with, some facts about Suicide (in India):


1. Poverty
2. Alcoholism
3. An anguished man
4. A misfortune
5. Failure in exam
6. Family Feud
7. Depression
8. Unemployment
9. Dowry

Computer and Eye

Use of computer is unavoidable in day to day life of an individual dealing with IT industry and such other professions. It is not a safe thing to go using computer carelessly. Then What? The answer to such questions follows. Our science tells following 10 rules to be taken care of.

Why Not Freely Share On Facebook?

This is a platform to express yourself uninhibited. The readers are friends chosen by you. Why not tell your views, have a mental catharsis and relax? Friends are one who are eager to read your story, share it and be with you.

Ignoring And Accepting Over Hating

To hate someone is easy. To abuse someone is even easier. To insult someone is the easiest. How to manage it? I am not talking about power of mind, personality development, positive thinking, yoga or many other such things. It can be read or heard elsewhere. I am describing my present thought-cycle.

Why not love? Why not ignore? Or why not accept the individual in one's original form? If reacting is inevitable, be brief.

The Friends And Prejudice

When I see someone, my senses form one opinion and accordingly, I start reacting.I start loving and respecting the said fellow  without reasons or its opposite. The friend-circle gets formed this way. That is the reason why some of your contacts who are most of the time with you, are never your friends.

[Video] What is a cataract? An overview.

Also read: Articles on Eye and Eye-care.