Stop Condemning!

It is easy to fall into the habit of condemning others, even those we love the most. We criticize the way someone eats or the manner in which one speaks. We focus on the most minute details and find fault with the smallest of issues. But what we focus grows to the extent we start feeling it to be a great problem.

Instead, why not begin to respect the differences? Often, we perceive in others the weaknesses we most need to address in ourselves.

- Robin Sharma
Author of Who Will Cry When You Die

An Interesting Read - The Art of Power

I came across a very nice book this morning by Thich Nhat Hanh (a Vietnamese Buddhist Zen). I am yet to start reading it. But meanwhile, I would like to share a peek from the book as ‘preview’:

“Our society is founded on a very limited dentition of power, namely wealth, professional success, fame, physical strength, military might, and political control. My dear friends, I suggest that there is another kind of power, a greater power: the power to be happy right in the present moment, free from addiction, fear, despair, discrimination, anger, and ignorance. This power is the birthright of every human being, whether celebrated or unknown, rich or poor, strong or week.”
- from The Art of Power

Caution For Car Drivers

For Car Drivers:
  1. Stop immediately on mere doubt of puncture or your tyre will get torn to pieces. I have done that and paid Rs. 2,400 expense of new tyre.
  2. While taking car on reverse gear, wait a little and continue looking back or there will be big scratch or broken rear glass. I have done both on separate occasions and paid for each mistake.
  3. Never miss a seat belt even for short drive. I saw a dead yesterday.

Love And Life

George Carlin (Age 102) has this to say about LOVE and LIFE:
  1. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.
  2. The only person who is with us our entire life is oneself. Love thyself the most.
  3. Surround yourself with people you love.
  4. Keep only cheerful friends.
  5. Laugh often, long and loudly.
  6. Enjoy simple things.

Virtual Vigilance

Assume you are being monitored all the time and behave accordingly, be it chat, social media, Email or any move on internet.

This will make you disciplined, in the virtual life. I know this is equally true for anything in life!


When we live together with our partner, friend or relative, we get used to the company so much so that we don't realize the presence. Let us say we get conditioned and habituated enough to recognize one's presence. Let me say start ignoring one. It is at the time of separation that we understand the loss or say importance... Small separation in physical form teaches us the lesson.


The mother NATURE demands nothing. It is not in hurry .It does not want to prove anything, but wants to remain as original and as oneself as possible. You are an individual having personalized unique properties comparable to none. Then why try to compare oneself with any and prove superior or inferior. You are You - unique, great, different. Just remain so.


I am addressed as UNCLE for last 3 to 4 years. Not because, I have suddenly grown old, but because, westernization and English has attacked us. We have stopped someone telling KAKA, MAMA, MASA or FUVA which are self-explanatory words. Instead we have gone for UNCLE. I am not unhappy about this, because there is some address instead of none. I am actually getting used to with this. And I have started liking it.

Sunday Diary - Jan 10, 2010

If a husband competes with his wife, it is quite possible, he’d win. But if a father competes a mother in reference to love, emotions, feelings of her to her offsprings, it is impossible to win.


Element of uncertainty is LUCK.

Whenever you do some activity, you wait for result: THE OUTCOME

The tragic part of the story is circumstances, time, environmental and human factors also play important role in deciding the end-point. So your proper planing, hard work and intelligent efforts are not the only factors to talk about.