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Showing posts with the label stress

Is Anger Your Fast Friend?

Anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. – Gautama Buddha We all know ‘Anger’ does not do any good to anybody. Almost all of us have dealt with it very closely, either as the recipient, the 'perpetrator' or often both. Then why do we fail to stay away from getting angry every off and on? Let’s take a deep dive into what anger is all about and if there is anything we can do to stay away from getting angry at all.

5 Minutes To Stress Relief

I am happy to address my readers once again with a very important subject of day-to-day problems: Stress. Stress is a force that strains and deforms. People, events and circumstances take over you, and create stress. It is a physical expression of emotional insult. Emotions like Fear, Guilt, Shame, Anger, Worry, Guilt and Doubt lead to stress.  That practically covers every normal, routine emotion. Then, how can we deal with stress?

Way Out Formula for Unsolvable Problems

In a lifetime, we often face a situation called PROBLEM. And facing this makes us tense and stressful. I am trying, in this article, to come out with a formula for this state of mind. I will try to be precise, but I shall expect you to be with me all the while – your full attention and total concentration is a must.

3 Steps OSHO Meditation Technique

OSHO's 3-step Medication Technique 1. Breathing : 10 minutes Sit in a comfortable relaxed position with back straight at 90 degrees with the base and keep your eyes closed without pressure on lids. Take deep breathing in and do deep breathing out for 10 minutes. Pay attention to breathing only. 2. Total acceptance and non-resistance : 10 minutes While continuing to pay attention to breathing, you hear sounds of birds, children, vehicles and such things around. Just do not get disturbed because of noise, instead, accept them as being natural and accept them without resistance. You will feel a great depth of meditation. 3. Egolessness : 10 minutes Being aware of sounds as accepted and paying attention to breathing, think I am nobody, think I am not anywhere and be egoless. Continue thinking that you are a droplet becoming ocean by falling into the ocean. You will feel united with GOD and feel one with GOD… a desire of many to be so. Do this for half an hour before...


Stress is pressure or worry resulting from mental or physical distress or difficult circumstances. For all the intelligent, sincere and responsible individuals, stress is an outcome of one’s activity. It has to be there. All one needs is to see it as essential force for progress/development and not more than that. One has to be a distant viewer-observer or witness to the said situation and not part of it. How to get rid of it ?