Before I give details of the subject, I would love to define it. “Person” means a human individual being physically present. So “Personality” means the characteristics, qualities and nature of an individual person seen as a whole when we meet for the first time. This wholeness of character and nature as seen in an individual creates an aura - a mixture of external appearance, mannerisms and speech. Now, there are two aspects of individual presentation creating a personality - external look and aura -the facial expression that comes from within. Even though we are not talking of cosmetics and beauty parlour make-up, staying well dressed and pleasantly presentable is a must. This includes proper hair grooming, good oral hygiene, shaving the beard, dressing appropriately (dressing of proper fitting, maybe simple but washed and ironed) and last but not the least, the polished shining shoes. Now you are presentable, but the personality impressions are creations of the mental outlook. ...