After two days of hospital treatment for high Pneumonia (or Corona?), my brother Bhupat could not be cured and he passed away at the age of 73. In our family, we are two brothers and four sisters. Of them, we have a sister three years older than us - Sudhaben, me, and then Bhupat. Then two years younger Mina and ten years younger Alka and Aruna (twins). We are twin brothers – I was born two hours earlier than Bhupat. So I was called to be the elder of the two, but he was not in agreement with this. He used to quote religious base making him the elder. Well, he proved it tragically true by making an early exit. News anchors like formal persons may ask me, 'How do you feel?' The straightforward and true answer is “sad and sorry for the loss” - because he was my companion nine months before our birth, being a twin from the womb of our mother. We do weep and tears roll down. It is a natural reaction to a departed brother – but being elderly and even otherwise, we can accept the ...