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Brain Power Sharpeners

Windy Suzuki (Professor of Neural Science at New York University), 55, did research on the brain and found out that you can grow a bigger and happier brain with meditation and exercise. This neuroplasticity of new brain cells sprouting new connections and new blood vessels feeding more oxygen (fuel) to neurons could be done with food, exercise, focus, sleep care, games, and meditation at any age from childhood to even the elderly. Using advanced brain imaging techniques, researchers found out how wonders are done with the above six factors in improving memory, thinking skills, creativity, and reducing the risk of dementia. Avoid brain toxic agents like reduction in sleep hours, lack of activity, and multitasks. Nutritional Supplements and electrical stimulation of brain training programs are hardly of any help.

Simple techniques to build a better brain.


Eating the right food and skipping the wrongs increases memory and thinking skills.
  • Right Food: Fruits, plant-based diets – Green leafy vegetables – Salad – Spinach, Grilled fish, Carrot, kale, or Collards
  • Wrong Food: Fried food – Potato chips – burgers – soft drinks – red meat and sausage

Activeness / Move improves the birth and growth of new brain cells increasing memory and alertness. A daily walk of 7500+ steps is a minimum. Doing housework like shopping, gardening, and walking the dog are worth trying. Sedentary life reduces memory.


It is the watchman cleaning the brain at night and washing away toxins of overthinking. VIII (eight) hours of sleep is a must. Try to stick to eight hours. Regular sleep schedule with sleep quality. Sleep deprivation leads to a decrease in mental focus, recall, and reaction time. They do not forgive each other. Make eight hours regular sleep schedule.


Don’t do things you don’t like. Pick something you love. Keep learning about it and doing it. People who keep their minds active have slower declines in memory and thinking.

Playing old-fashioned games like cards, bingo, and chess several times a week, sharpen memory skills and thinking.

Arts and crafts such as sewing, woodworking, and painting improve brain power.


Focus counts too. Allow yourself to focus on just one thing and go deep. Multitasking and switching your attention from one thing to another disrupts your memory.

Meditation and Countdown

Do yoga daily – sit still, breathe deeply, and do Hatha Yoga – Shavasan & Pranayam.

Yes, the brain can be built to be stronger without dementia at any age.

Ref. Article: Build a better brain – by Sari Harrar (Reader’s Digest) 

Dr. Bharat Desai, Bilimora 

Mental Disorders You Must Know

Actually, we suffer from two types of diseases disturbing our life – one is physical – having symptoms of bodily illness and they can be diagnosed and cured easily by doctors, but other is a mental illness which is not recognised properly either by the individual or their doctor! This life-threatening mental illness needs great care and attention. I am introducing them one by one. 

First, we must know basic problems. 

Now I want to tell you about the symptoms not cleared by routine medical doctors and needing psychiatric help. All these listed here if not relived or recurred now and then, be aware mental illness is certainly present.

  • Vomiting – Nausea 
  • Fainting spells – dizziness 
  • Headache – backache 
  • Pain in the chest 
  • Palpitations 
  • Breathlessness 
  • Stomach ulcers and acidity 
  • Stomach loss of appetite 
  • Heaviness after eating 
  • Excessive belching 
  • Weakness 
  • Pain in joints. Arthritis. 
  • Quickening or slowing of the heart 
  • Rise and fall of blood pressure 
  • Asthma 
  • Eczema 
Now, let us discuss important mental disorders. 


Anxiety is a mental condition with fear, shakiness, fast heart rate and excessive worrying. Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness or unease, worry about future events. Anxiety can be generalized, phobia, social, separation anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, panic disorder or selective mutism. 12% of the population suffers from anxiety. It is twice in females than males.


Neurosis is a relatively mild mental illness involving symptoms of stress (like obsession, depression or anxiety) but not a radical loss of touch with reality. So Neurosis is a borderline personality disorder. Thus Neurosis is in short excessive and irrational anxiety or obsession. Neurosis (also known as psychoneurosis) is a mental disorder that causes a sense of distress and deficit in functioning.

Neurosis is a behaviour that interferes with normal living, impairs the individual’s efficiency, happiness and makes one unable to get along with or love other people.

Disability characterized by too much neurotic behaviour.

Examples: gambling, over concern about bowels, diet and appearance, sexual promiscuity.

True neurosis is accompanied by a feeling of unhappiness, disappointment and frustration.

Neurotic is uncomfortable during an attack but otherwise feels perfectly well.
  • Compulsions: such as washing hands
  • Phobias: such as fear of germs 
  • Obsessions: such as self–torturing jealousy 
  • Compulsion Neurosis 
  • Anxiety Neurosis 
  • Hysteria
Jumpiness, fast heart, Restlessness, Excessive sweating, Insomnia-nightmares, Haggard feeling and facial expression, Feeling exhausted, having prolonged suffering exertion

Hysteria: Sudden clippings of special parts of the body and any medical condition can be imitated by hysteria.


It is a mental disorder causing disconnection from reality which results in stranger behaviour often accompanied by a perception of stimuli of voices, images or sensations, delusions, hallucinations and talking incomprehensibly.

Symptoms are delusion, hallucination, inability to concentrate, depression, sleeping too much or too little, losing bond with family and friends, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and switching topics while talking.


Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity.
  • Depression can affect a person’s thoughts, feelings, behaviour, motivation and serves well-being. It may feature sadness, difficulty in thinking and concentration. It can be seen with an increase or decrease in appetite and sleep time. The person feels dejection, hopelessness and sometimes have suicidal thoughts. Actually, one has a loss of interest or loss of feeling of pleasure in certain activities usually enjoy. 
It is caused as a temporary reaction to life events such as the loss of a loved one or some drugs or diseases. 4.4% population suffers from depression.
  1. Major depression: Here person suffers for at least two weeks of low mood, low self-esteem, low energy, loss of interest and pain without clear reason. Sometimes the period of depression follows a normal mood. Genetic factors, environmental and psychological factors cause it. 3% world population suffers from major depression. 
  2. Melancholia: Is a loss of interest in most or all activities, failure to react to pleasure stimuli, worsening of symptoms in the morning hour, early morning waking, excessive weight loss, excessive guilt and psychomotor retardation. 


Mania is a state of abnormally elevated arousal effect and energy level. It is a state of heightened overall activation with enhanced affective expression together with lability of affect.

The heightened mood can be either be euphoric or irritable. At a higher level of mania, irritability leads to anxiety and violence. A person has elevated mood, flight of ideas, the pressure of speech, increased energy, decreased desire and need for sleep and hyperactivity.

Hypomania: is a less intense Mania. Hypomania leads to increase creativity and productivity. Goal motivated behaviour and metabolism increase. Though hypomania with elevated mood and energy is good, when exaggerated, a person displays excessive optimism, grandiosity and poor decision making.


Schizophrenia is a mental illness characterized by relapsing episodes of psychosis. Major symptoms include hallucinations often of hearing voices, delusions of having beliefs not shared by others and disorganized thinking. Other symptoms include social withdrawal, decreased emotional expression and lack of motivation. Symptoms come gradually and young persons of 16 to 30 years of age are involved.

A person has significant alterations in perception, thoughts, mood and behaviour.

The end results, or say, complications are suicide, heart disease or lifestyle disease.

It is a Split Partial or Complete - Between - What happens to them and how they feel about it.

Their feelings are flat so their response is flattened or inappropriate. Their emotions depend more upon what happens inside than what happens outside their minds.

Four types of Schizophrenia:
  1. Paranoid Schizophrenia (More common): The most prominent symptoms are hallucinations and delusions. The patient has the unusual feeling of being watched, followed or even hunted down. Paranoia means an intense, irrational persistent instinct or thought process of fear fall feeling and thoughts.
  2. Catatonic Schizophrenia (Rare): Catatonic means extremes of under or over motor activity. Person falls into behaviours extremes much like music and depressive episodes. In a catatonic stupor, there is a deficit of movement making him motionless and in catatonic excitement, there is excessive movement associated with violent behaviour to oneself or others.
  3. Disorganised Schizophrenia (Also known as hebephrenia): Person has an intentionally disorganized behavioural pattern. This leads to difficulty in communicating because his train of thoughts cannot be understood. It is a disease of adolescence appearing between 15 to 25 years ago. 
  4. Undifferentiated Schizophrenia: Here the person has mixed symptoms of any of the above three.

Bipolar Disorder (Also known as manic depression)

Bipolar disorder is characterized by periods of depression and periods of abnormally elevated mood. The severally elevated mood is called mania and the less severe is called hypomania

Condition is characterised by intermittent episodes of mania and depression with an absence of any symptoms in between (normal state of mind)

Manic Episodes: The person has euphoria to delirium, increased self-esteem or grandiosity, decreased need of sleep and disinhibited social behaviour, impulsive or high-risk behaviours like excessive spending or hypersexuality, inability to work or socialize. A milder form of the above manic symptoms is called hypomania.

Depressive Episodes: Here the person has persistent feelings of sadness, irritability or anger, feeling of guilt, sleeping too much or too little, change in appetite and /or weight, feeling of worthlessness and thoughts of death or suicide.

Mental Health is a human right!
Practices for intact mental health. 
  1. Medicate every day. Learn Practice Mindfulness
  2. Affirm:
    • “I love and approve of myself.”
    • Louise Hay
    • Say the above statement meaningfully. Say it 3 – 4 times every day especially before retiring at night.
  3. Choose kindness :
    • Whenever there is a choice between being right and being kind, choose to be kind Dr Wayne Dyer. Kindness increases serotonin levels… a great healing hormone.
  4. Hobby: Pursue your hobbies. They are a must for stress relief.
  5. Deep breathing: Practice deep breathing whenever possible. Keep your brain healthy and efficient.
  6. Walking: A 20 minutes brisk walk in the morning releases endorphins… the positive and happy hormones. 
  7. Read Inspiring books every day.
  8. Smile: Smile is the window of your soul and laughing is the door. – Neal Donald Walsch.
  9. Love: Love Everything, Love Empowers you beyond measure, Love includes unconditional acceptance. 
  10. Speak out: Don’t suffer silently speak out – seek help. Stock up on compassion for yourself.
  11. Peace: Choose peace in every situation. Make it a habit. Peace brings the best of everything to us. Peace brings prosperity.
  12. Thankful heart: Wake up and sleep with a thankful heart.

Take-Home Message

Life (to remain alive) is more important than no life. Any problem like a failure in examination, financial loss in life, disturbance in friendship or marital relation or any problem can be solved with time, but the resultant mental disorder can be life-threatening. So do not remain disturbed, confused or low, instead talk to your close relatives and friends, communicate freely personally, by writing or on the phone and sick help, the solution is assured.

Lastly, I will conclude by talking about this most important advice, do not plan treatment yourself or with the help of non-psychiatric doctors. The help of a psychiatrist nearby will cure you in total by psychotherapy, medicines or ECT (Electro Convulsive Treatment). So, do not wait and waste time.

Best of luck!

મગજ ન ગુમાવો, વજન ગુમાવો

મગજ ન ગુમાવો, વજન ગુમાવો

(Don't Lose Your Mind, Lose Your Weight)

લેખિકા: ઋજુતા દિવેકર (Rujuta Diwekar), અનુવાદ: રેખા ઉદયન 

પુસ્તક પરિચય: ડો. ભરતચંદ્ર એમ. દેસાઈ

વધેલા વજનથી હતાશ અને ગભરાયેલા લોકોએ સરળ રરત્તો જાણવો હોય તો આટલું જરૂર જાણો. તંદુરસ્તી માપવા માટે વજનકાંટા કે મેઝર ટેપત્તી જરૂર પડે એવું થોડું જ છે? તમારા લગ્ન પ્રત્યે તમે ખરા દિલથી કામ કરતા હો અને ભરપૂર જિંદગી જીવતા હો, તો તમે ફિટ જ છો. આપ, પૌષ્ટિક અને યોગ્ય આહાર લેવા ઉપરાંત જીવન ભરપૂર માણતા પણ શીખવું જોઈએ, ત્યારે જ તમે ફિટ કહેવાઓ.

અહીં આપેલી સૂચનાઓનો કરશો તો Compensatory Diet, Herbal Diet, Crash Diet, Fat Free, Sugar Free, Baked diet, Comfort Food, South Beach Diet, Atkin Diet અને આવા અટપટા - ભૂખમરાવાળા અને થકવનારા ખોરાક (Diet Plan)થી ચોક્કસ મુક્તિ મળશે અને ભુખા રહ્યા વગર, ખાઈ-ખાઈને વજન ઉતારી શકશો.

Diabetes Awareness Session (Free Entry)

Did you know, diabetes is a leading cause of blindness in adults?

Inviting residents in and around Bilimora town, to an awareness session on diabetes.

Event details:
  1. Know and understand diabetes
  2. Diet for those having diabetes
  3. Exercises recommended
Speaker: Dr. Pradeepbhai Patel & Diabetes Team (Spandan Hospital, Chikhali)

Entry fees: FREE

ઢળતી ઉંમરે તન-મનની માવજત

ઢળત્તી ઉમરે તન-મનના માવજત. (૨૦૧૬)

લેખક: પ્રો. ગણેશભાઈ કે. પટેલ
પુરત્તક પરિચય: ડૉ. ભરતચંદ્ર એમ. દેસાઈ

પુરત્તક પરિચય આપનાર પાસે વાચક પુસ્તક કેવું છે, કયા વિષયની છણાવટ કરેલી છે, લેખક કોણ છે, જેવી માહિતીની અપેક્ષા રાખે છે. ઉપરાંત પુસ્તક કાગળ, છાપકામ, જોડણી અને ચિત્રોથી સજાવેલ છે કે કેમ તે પણ જાણવા ઈચ્છે છે.

Diet Consciousness

If you want to ignore strict dieting and stress of not getting to eat this and that... Be diet conscious!

Let us start afresh...

  • Avoid cakes in any celebration... be it a birthday, wedding anniversary, promotion or success in the examination. It was never used in such events in the past; it is a present-day wrong fashion!
  • Second is ice-cream in any form... Kulfi, Cones, Milk-shakes, Cups, Falooda or even ice-cream pakoda!

Health Consciousness When You Need It The Least

When you are happy and relaxed, you feel everything is going well. This results in the negligence of four musts for health:
  1. Exercise
  2. Diet consciousness
  3. Rest 
  4. Sleep

The end result is an unconsciously added obesity... a lifetime friend!

Sleeplessness – An Unattended Serious Issue of Insomnia

Air, water and food are must for a life, we know. But, many of us do not know that sleep is the fourth most essential for life giving sound body and mind. Loss of sleep, better known as insomnia, present in the third of the world's adult population leads to mental depression, a life threatening disease. An adult needs six to eight hours of uninterrupted profound sleep every day. How to ensure this?

Let us understand the ways to deal with this issue point to point, and to get sound sleep.

5 Minutes To Stress Relief

I am happy to address my readers once again with a very important subject of day-to-day problems: Stress.
Stress is a force that strains and deforms. People, events and circumstances take over you, and create stress. It is a physical expression of emotional insult. Emotions like Fear, Guilt, Shame, Anger, Worry, Guilt and Doubt lead to stress. 
That practically covers every normal, routine emotion. Then, how can we deal with stress?

Thought For Sunday

Check whether you have any one of the following:

  1. You have stopped long walks, though you are not physically unfit.
  2. You have started eating more than you were eating for last few years.
  3. You have stopped learning new things and studying.
  4. You have started counting your assets and bank deposits.
  5. You have accepted and started liking your obesity and big abdomen.

If any one of above is "YES", you are mentally an OLD-PERSON needing mental care or your end is imminent.

Before Saying "Yes" For Marriage

Typically marriages are decided by one of these two methods in our society:
  1. Arranged Marriage: Socially accepted and practised method where ‘offer’ for marriage is given by appropriate party and then, marriage is finalized on the basis of match-making.
  2. Love Marriage: Recently established way of selecting marriage partner after some contact, friendship and/or attraction because of looks. Here prospective partners for marriage decide themselves marry with or without consent from parents and families.

Beware Of Television Side-effects

Caution! Beware of television serials (soap operas), news channels and panel discussions on different issues. They will disturb your psyche, sleep and thought process. They will make you think and worry with stress all the while.


Stress is pressure or worry resulting from mental or physical distress or difficult circumstances.

For all the intelligent, sincere and responsible individuals, stress is an outcome of one’s activity. It has to be there. All one needs is to see it as essential force for progress/development and not more than that.

One has to be a distant viewer-observer or witness to the said situation and not part of it.

How to get rid of it?


After crossing primary stage of it, one starts loving and enjoying obesity. Then things are difficult.

Only diet control and exercise is the master key to get rid of it.

No crash diet course or costly weight loss programme can do magic.

One has to decide and act... or complications like high Blood Pressure (B.P.), diabetes, joint pains and heart troubles are ready.