Let us understand the ways to deal with this issue point to point, and to get sound sleep.
- Time: Fix a specific time every night and strictly follow this schedule. Go to bed at a fixed hour and get up too at a fixed time. This is a prerequisite.
- Bedroom: The bedroom should have sufficient passage for light and air. There should not be much sound and light when asleep. The bed must be comfortable, at enough height with clean and pleasing colored bed-sheet. No television set is welcome for this room! Stop seeing TV at least two hours before the sleep time. Mobile phone is a present day enemy of sleep. Mobile chats, talks, messaging are big No No! This is not optional. Only emergency talks on phone. Avoid eating, drinking or reading/writing work on the bed. Avoid lying in the bed when awake.
- Food and Drink: No tea, coffee, wine or any other alcohol a few hours before the sleeping time. Smoking cigarettes disturbs sleep. Have dinner three hours before going to bed. Do not eat too much at night and also do not drink a lot of water immediately before going to sleep.
- Bath and Daytime Sleep: Having a bath in cold or lukewarm water washing your body clean gifts you a sound sleep. Try not to sleep during the day, especially noon. Alternatively, you may take rest for a while closing your eyes.
- Exercise: Exercise regularly three hours before going to bed, if possible. Exercise helps maintaining good sound sleep.

This is an inspired article. I would request the readers to read the book "Reclaim life, Fight depression” by Dr. Hiranmay Saha.
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