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Nashik Tour

My daughter Vaishali invited us to join her on the Nashik tour for three days. We happily accepted her invitation and three of us – Vaishali, my wife Dr. Bhavna and myself began for the Nashik Tour. Vaishali and I had prepared the timetable after studying Google – Wikipedia and whatnot. We had already visited Nashik four times. So our expectations were clear. 

Nashik is known as one of the most religious cities in India related to Ramayana time around 5000 years back Treta yug. Nowadays, it can boast of being the big Industrial Estate and Indian Capital of wine manufacturers. Shirdi - home of the revered Saint Sai Baba, Trimbakeshwar temple at Trimbak, and Saptashringi are important tourist attractions nearby. From Bilimora one can go to Nashik via Saputara or Dharampur. We choose Dharampur – Kaparada route. During the rainy season, the forests were in a great mood with greenery all around with hills and valleys making a great scenery worth enjoying. The road was shown by google-map-so there was hardly any confusion. Yes, after Dharampur you do not have any restaurants or rent rooms till Kaparada. And same is the story after Kaparada to Nashik. So keep this in mind. We could enjoy the tour full of natural glory and be in no hurry to reach, so speed was slow enough to make the maximum pleasure.

I am not writing this essay for essay competition so I will not be academically perfect. I will not tell about all the places worth visiting but I will restrict only to my experience of Nashik.

The word Nashik is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Nashika’ meaning nose. It is more relevant because the story of cutting the nose of Suparnakha by Laxman in her attempt to seduce Rama prevails. Nashika (Nose) ultimately became Nashik.

Well, there is ‘Kumbh Mela’ every twelve years with holistic dipping in tiver Gadovari at Panchavati by Lakhs of Sadhus and the Public of India, you cannot even imagine how stay, food and taking bath (Snan) by lakhs of people at one place is managed by Governor machinery!

Panchvati, Nashik

  • Panchvati is a place having five (Panch) huge banyan trees (at Vati = “Vad” tree) on the bank of river Godavari. 
  • Lord Rama stayed here for fourteen years after exile. He stayed here with his wife Sita and brother Laxman. Kidnapping of Sita (Sitaharan) by Ravana took place here. 
  • Dr. V. R. Rao (Professor of Anthropology) says: Definitely, the events described in Ramayan occurred here in reality. 
  • Panchavati is an area on the bank of a river. It is comparable to Har-ki-Paudi Ghat of Haridwar. 


27x12 sq. mt. bathing tank on the bank of River Godavari is known as Ramkund because Lord Ram is said to have bathed here during 14 years of exile. This was built in 1696 AD by Chitrarao Khatarkar. Ashti Visarjan Tirth (Ashes of bones of dead immersion spot) Lord Rama performed his father King Dasharath’s funeral rights here by doing bone immersion. According to popular belief it ashes of a dead relative immersed here he attains Salvation. ‘Dip’ in this tank is believed to fulfill one’s desires/wishes and free oneself from one’s sins.

Sita Caves (Sita Gufa):

A temple near Kalaram temple is surrounded by five banyan trees. Ravan kidnapped Sita from this place (Sitaharan). Sita worshipped Lord Shiva – ancient Shivlinga still exists in the cave. The cave has idols of Ram–Sita and Laxman. A narrow small staircase entry is the only way to go inside.

Shri Kalaram Temple:

Situated just nearby (500 mts.) Ramkund is this old Hindu Shrine in the Panchvati area. Because the idol of Lord Rama is made of black stone, it is known as Kalaram (the black-colored Lord Rama). The architectural design of Trimbakeshwar. The summit of this temple is made up of 32 tons of Gold. The temple is surrounded by an enclosure that comprises 96 pillars. The black body of Vishnu turned white while taking a bath here in river Godavari.


Tapovan is a forest place (van) where Ram, Laxman, and Sita (Tap) the religious prayers. It is a Sangam (confluence) of Rivers Kapila and Godavari. They spent maximum time here. The place is dedicated to Lord Shri Ram as a founder. Laxman temple is a place where he met Ravan’s Sister Suparnakha and Laxman cut her nose when she tried to seduce Rama. There are Mahalaxmi, Lambe Hanuman, and many other temples.

You can find a place known as Laxman Rekha (the line drawn by Lakshman asking Sita not to cross one), but she ignores this and crosses Laxman Rekha when Ravan kidnaps (Sitaharan). While in Tapovan, do see:

  • Sita Agni Kund
  • Kapila Godavari Sangam
  • Suparnakha Temple
  • Sarva Dharma temple
  • Laxman Rekha and

Ramji Vanvas Kutir (Ram’s Forest Residence):

So, Nashik is a place where (5000 years back) Lord Ram–Sita and Laxman stayed for fourteen years of exile. Panchavati is a holy place near the river bank of Godavari where they took baths and Tapovan is a place where they stayed and did prayers. So do not miss Panchavati and Tapovani.

Hotel Stay:

Good hotels of higher stars have a staff of pleasing manners – respecting you all the while – smiling and they are well dressed to make you feel comfortable and happy.

The rooms have clear drapes on the bed with eye-pleasing cleanliness of the room and washrooms.

We are supplied with soaps, shampoos, shaving kits, sugar, tea, coffee & milk sachets for preparing tea coffee. After paying high bills, some of us are tempted to carry home all such disposables. They are not costly items nor they are of much use at home, so such greediness is controlled.

American breakfast offers multiple items – like fruits, fruit juices, tea-coffee-biscuits, bread, cakes & pastries – with Dosas, idlis, poha, and upama. All in all, you see more than 50 items to eat. Be cautious here, you are a disciplined controlled diet-eating person. Do not think of money spent and overeat, you may get ill. The same is the story of dinner serving 99 items – Limit yourself to a few choicest items needed to satisfy hunger or you will be in trouble and make others also irritated.

Pandava Caves (alias Trirashmi Buddha Caves):

The name is misleading because the place has nothing to do with the five brothers of Mahabharata Pandava. 3 km away from Nahik these 25 caves are on the hill situated at 3004 feet height above the sea level. You have to climb around 300+ steps to reach the place. The steps are scientifically, placed not more than 9” in height, and their feet flat walk after each step making your climbing easy! 2000 years old caves were built by Queen Badamp mother of Satavahana king Satakarni. Caves are meant for Buddhist monks to provide them shelter, and do religious meetings with discourses and prayers. One of the caves – cave no eleven is a Jainism cave having cells inside for stay and religious activity. Queen’s Cave or Gantamniputra Vihara.

The largest of all is cave no. 3 – three known st having 41’ wide x 46’ deep hall with 18 cells of 9’x7’ for monk’s prayers. The carvings on the entrance show a picture of two men and a woman. The entrance has six pillars. The inscriptions tell the history of King Vashisthaputra Pulumavi 120 BCE. A Chaitya is carved on the back wall of the cave side wall and has the Dhammachakra and Bodhi tree carved. The second largest named Nahapada Vihara is 4.3’ wide & 45’ deep.

You can have glimpses of the industrial city Nashik from the height showing the round dome of the Buddha stupa and multi-storeyed buildings with roads and railway. The name of the hill ‘Trirashmi” means three rays of sunlight. If you have seen Ajanta – Elora caves, these caves have hardly anything to see. If you are not a trekker by nature, you can skip the trouble of climbing up. Well, ultimately the choice is yours.

Trirashmi Buddha Smarak:

Stupa 8 km away from Nahik near the hill for Pandava Caves, is a must-visit place. The shrine has a big dome-shaped circular hall echoing even the most feeble sounds. It can be called a stupa possessing a golden statue of Lord Buddha in the Abhaya Mudra (fearlessness pose). It is a silent zone to maintain silence for meditation. Whether Buddhist or not, inner peace and a sense of calmness are certainly gained here by just sitting for a while and doing meditation. Seeing is believing.


Stinking! If you understand the meaning of this word you would avoid visiting such a place. Its poor cleanliness with dirty waste, smelling unbearably bad from gutters that makes such a bad scene – no one can hardly bear and tolerate it – even for a small while. Unfortunately, this is true for all religious places – I do not know even one exception be it Trimbakeshwar, Dakor, Somnath, Bhimashankar, or Nashik for example.

However religious you are long walk with bare foot in a queue for an hour or more crossing three / four specially made halls for queuing for visitors before reaching the central part of the temple will reduce your faith in God to be seen to zero! So, either you raise your dirt tolerance or cancel the visit.

With this foreword, let me tell you about Trimbak, situated 30 km away from Nashik. It has a temple of Lord Shiva named Trimbakeshwar. It was built by Nanasaheb Peshawa in black stone between 1755-86 AD. It is believed that Lord Ganesha was born here. Revered sage Gautama worshipped Lord Shiva here to get relief from sin following the killing of a cow (Gauhatya). This temple is one of the twelve Jyotirlinga temples of India. God is seated in the depression on the floor. River Godavari begins at Brahmagiri mountain at 1298 meters height. Despite my strong faith in Hinduism, I am hardly ever ready to visit such a place!


Nashik is full of history related to Ramayana telling about fourteen years of Ram-Lakshman-Sita's stay during exile. Shravan is also a part of Ramayan because he was killed by King Dasharatha while he was fetching water for his parents on the riverbank. The most important part of his life is to care for his parents, carrying them in one basket on each side of a stick (kavad) generally used to carry water from the river. Parents were debilitated-blind and old- but this son took all the pains to travel holy places carrying them on his shoulders on a stick - kavad. So, old and senior parents remember ‘Shravan’ when they are treated with extraordinary care by their offspring. They call them ‘Shravan; when children make them travel to holy places.

Coins & History Museum, Trambak:

I have a hobby of coin collection, so I was curious to visit this place. Though less than 10-15 people visit this place every day, I would advise you to go. They have presented all types of coins with stories and histories related to them. The physical presentation of stone, metal, and paper money is certainly worth seeing. The second part deals with the history of India with pictures and stories related to India. Do spare as much time as possible and see the coins.

Sula Wines Visit:

Derived name ‘Sula’ from mother’s name ‘Sulabha’ by the owner's son, Sula Vineyard, was the first of its kind to start preparing different wines only twenty-one years back. And now Nahisk is a famous city for wines with 300+ wine manufacturers like York Winery, Vallone Vineyouds, Soma Vivegard, and many others. To know the details, you have to visit the place within at least three hours. They show the process of preparing wines first and then seat us for tasting six different wines. The guide gives 10-15 ml of wine after telling about the method of holding a glass, the effects of wines, and the characteristics with alcohol contents of each. Generally, wines do not cross 15% alcohol. Then you can sit in a restaurant to enjoy the food you like. They have prepared photo-shooting points all around. Visit each with your photo as a selfie or otherwise.

If you have your vehicle, better drive with it or Rixavalas will ask for an unimaginable charge like 600 Rs. or more for a return journey of less than 10 km.

We had a long time spared to be there. My daughter Vaishali, my wife Dr. Bhavana, and I went there. We enjoyed the visit to the vineyard and “Wine tasting Session” with 20 more people. The photo session will mark a lifetime memory!

The return journey from Nashik was via Trambak – Vikramgadh – Manor to Mumbai. Curved Hilly area road, with height at places with rainy season greenery and raining off & on. A worthwhile experience one should ever have – we had! Though driving is not easy – a good vehicle and slow driving by an experienced driver make the journey safe and pleasant. Have you ever traveled in a big vehicle with only three people inside without any hurry whatsoever and enjoyed the nature-only goal? Do try.

Prime Minister Visits Saputara

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is fond of touring all around India and the world. Now, when a VVIP of his stature visits a place, security personnel don't allow others to be around. The place would become deserted and reserved for him only. So was the case when we - Dr Vijaybhai Desai, his wife Minaben, my wife Dr Bhavana, and I - visited Saputara last weekend on 19-21 March 2021. The whole place was appearing reserved for us - because almost all the hotels, restaurants, and tourist sightseeing places were empty, without many people around, making us experience a VIP status - something rare to find.

Three Decades Of My Nomadic Experience

I recently read the novel "Pyramid of Virgin Dreams" by Vipul Mitra. He affectionately described the pains and pleasures of multiple transfers because of his father’s job as DSP and later himself as an IAS officer. While reading it occurred to me, I have had a similar life of changing a place many times nearly every alternate year. So why not narrate my story and the article is here!
A nomad means someone who lives by travelling from place to place - moving around all the while.
I was a nomad for the initial 28 years of my life, staying and studying at more than 15 places. A year or two and change of the place again! 

Our Old Age Home Stay Experience

We planned a week’s visit to an old-age home in Lonavala, in a group of ten from Bilimora between 7 and 14-Mar-2019. Dr. Pravin Gilitwala led the team and organised because he had been there numerous times. Dr. Bhavana Desai (my wife) and I were little uncertain about the venue and timetable there but agreed just to have a new experience altogether. To our surprise, everything turned out to be better than all we thought. We had a great time all in all!

Kapol Sanatorium, Lonavala

Just by the old Mumbai-Pune highway is situated this old-age home for fixed one week stay. Only old-age people above 60 years are invited to stay for a week starting every Thursday and ending the next Thursday, in a total number of hundred. There are AC and non-AC rooms available for fixed one week, at different rates. These are twin-sharing rooms charged at is Rs. 6,000 and Rs. 12,000 per week, based on individual preferences. The rooms are like single bedroom apartments with four beds, dining table and kitchen having LPG gas connection and utensils for cooking, serving and eating. The bathroom and lavatory were separate, with the well-set bathroom having hot-cold water and shower (and also the western type commode aptly preferred by the elderly). The television or music systems were purposefully excluded. There is an intercom telephone connecting every room to the office, room service and other rooms. The housekeeping staff clean the room and utensils and also wash clothes every day.

Should You Visit The Taj Mahal?

Should I at all visit 'the Taj' the Taj Mahal?

Yes, it is a must, because we have the world’s best wonder (The best of seven wonders of the world) and nothing should stop you from visiting it. Let me tell what others say about Taj.

What do visitors say?

French traveller Bernier said, “Of all the seven wonders of the world (1) Great Wall of China 7Th BC. China, (2) Petra 100 BC. Jordan, (3) Machu Picchu 1450AD. Peru, (4) Chinchan Itza 600 AD. Mexico, (5) Colossian 80AD. Italy, (6) Taj Mahal 1648AD. India, (7) Great Pyramid of Geisha 2560 BC. Egypt., Taj is the best. How can I praise unshaped pyramids of Gaza or irregular long wall of China and any of the other fort after seeing Taj Mahal- a poem in marble?”

Kankaria Carnival, Flower Show And Ahmedabad

25-Dec-2017 onwards, I had talked with my friend Anilbhai Desai on phone two-three times. Every time, he mentioned the worthiness of seeing Kankaria Carnival and invited us. But I was resistant to go. On 30-Dec-2017, while talking with Jayshreeben Desai, she also invited and insisted to visit Ahmedabad. So, my wife Bhavana and I accepted the invitation. In fact, when we need to face young generation people, we avoid out of fear of difference and generation gap. Even visiting close relatives and friends is not that pleasing nowadays, and so we avoid as far as possible. I had sufficiently interacted with Anilbhai's son – Darshan and his wife Shalu, so I could be little courageous to decide for the visit.

Janki Van – A Nature Retreat

If you want to be alone to be with nature, it is an ideal spot. But if you enjoy crowds with your group this is an equally important place to visit.

42 km from Bilimora on Vansda Road, we reached Janki Van in less than an hour. Dr Nayana Patel, Dr Bhavana Desai (my wife) and I visited the place impromptu on a weekday.

The name Janki is related to Sita Mata of Ramayana and it is believed that at a certain point in the history, Sita Mata did stay here. The garden, a great picnic spot (16 hectors big), is situated 5 km away from Vansda, 6 km from Unai and 42 km from Bilimora. It is developed by the Gujarat Forestry Department under social forestry action and was inaugurated on 02-Aug-2015 while celebrating the Forest Day. Please, keep in mind it remains closed on Monday and visiting hours are 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Kanheri Caves Mumbai

Many of us pass years before final decision to visit this nature's feast adored by a human ( 2400 years ago) Kanheri Caves just near Borivali, Mumbai. It took me 50 years to reach this point, since my first visit to this city in 1965.

Mumbai and caves!

Mumbai was built on seven islands. As old sediments around coastal areas of Kandivali shows us, Mumbai was inhabitable since the stone age. It was mainly occupied by Koli fishing community.

My Awakening Of The Great Indian Tribal Hospitality

An  Adivasi girl Sangita at Nahari Hotel, Pangarbari (near Wilson Hills, Gujarat) teaches us the Indian culture and way of welcoming guests!

On 15-Jun-2016, my friend Sanjay Mahant and I visited a scenic hill-station in South Gujarat – Wilson Hills (near Dharampur). We wandered during the noon enjoying the view of the hill-station and chitchatting. We just did not think of the time while experiencing the pleasing wind and nature.

Fortuitous Visit To Wilson Hills

It was a Thursday, otherwise a working day at my hospital, but I chose to declare it a holiday because my friend Sanjay Mahant and I asked each other to go for an event at Kanya Chhatralaya, Vagavad (near Dharampur, Gujarat). In turn, surprise visit to this hill-station materialised on 15-June-2016.

One of the less visited hill-stations and waiting to be developed for tourist needs, this is one of the best hilly places I have ever seen. If you want to share nature in a less crowded, say lonely place, Wilson Hills is for you. This 2500 feet high place is 25 km away from Dharampur and 130 km from Surat. We can easily reach here by very good roads in the scenic Western Ghats.

What nobody knows about this hill-station is, this is the only place 2500 feet high showing glimpse of the sea!

Bharatbhai, Bharatbhai, Bharatbhai And Bharatbhai – My Kutch Tour Diary

Our recent tour of Kutch landed an interesting coincidence. I (Dr Bharat Desai), my wife Dr Bhavana, and our friends Dr Vijay Desai, his wife Meena Desai, Bepsi-ben and Villoo-ben made three nights and four days plan for Kutch - Bhuj.

Long Vacation At Bengaluru

After voluntary retirement as Government Medical Officer, my wife Dr Bhavana (Devyani) wanted to have a vacation and I joined her. The long break of 14 days (2 weeks) was starting on date 9th March 2011 and ending on 23rd March 2011. We planned to stay at Rahul’s (our son) residence at Bangalore and return to Bilimora.

Vacation - is stopping the continuous job/work and retire at some place at leisure. We know vacation is a change of activity and we did that. It is a recess, say a break or temporary cessation of routine work.

Is vacation necessary?

24 Hours Of Traveling Public Transport - An Experience

My Car  to Desai Eye Hospital
My wife’s car (Dr Bhavana Desai)  to Bilimora Railway Station
Sayaji Nagari Express  to Surat
Auto Rickshaw  to Dayalji Ashram (a Marriage Function)
Walk  to God Dod Road
Auto Rickshaw  to Dr Bhaskar D Acharya’s Bungalow
Car  to Surat S.T. Bus Terminus
State Transport Super-fast Bus  to Navsari
Local Bus  to Eru Cross Roads
Three-wheeler Tempo  to Khara Abrama
Three-wheeler Tempo  to Amalsad
Three-wheeler Tempo  to Bilimora
Brisk walk  for early home

Mount Abu in Rainy Season

National Conference on Mind-Body-Medicine
Mount Abu
August 6-10, 2010
Part-I The Journey
Part-II Stay, Food, and Beverages
Part-III Mount Abu in Rainy Season

Mount Abu in Rainy Season

With clouds wandering around you and raining at a different speed, greenery at Aravalli hills is maddening the artist/poet in anybody.

New Friends

National Conference on Mind-Body-Medicine
Mount Abu
August 6-10, 2010
Part-I The Journey
Part-II Stay, Food and Beverages
Part-III Mount Abu in Rainy Season
Part-IV New Friends

Stay, Food and Beverages

National Conference on Mind-Body-Medicine
Mount Abu
August 6-10, 2010
Part-II Stay, Food and Beverages

Continued from Part-I The Journey

Stay at Gyaan Sarovar, Mount Abu

Staying with 9 other persons in the same room - a dormitory - is a rare experience worth trying. You get this experience only at youth hostels trekking programs.

National Conference on Mind-Body-Medicine

National Conference on Mind-Body-Medicine

Mount Abu

August 6-10, 2010

Part-I The Journey

I was one of the 750 consultant doctor delegates of India, attending this conference between 6 to 10 August 2010. My love for nature and temptation to wander at Abu in the rainy season brought me here. I shall share my experiences of the event with you. I shall describe the academic part and other experiences step by step, with short articles. I invite you to be with me.

The Journey

I was boasting that it was worth being alone, but the pride vanished when the journey began in loneliness and eating alone became difficult.

Bilimora to Valsad was by car accompanied by my wife Dr Bhavana and friend Anilbhai, then Ranakpur Express drove me to Abu Road Railway station. Despite all the comforts and air-conditioning, I could hardly sleep, because, I had to leave the train early morning at 4. Three persons - Dr Bhavana, BK Jagruti, and the coach attendant woke me up, but I was ready long before they tried.

Return was easy, because, getting down was at 6. If the journey is during the daytime, the view can be enjoyed better.

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