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Brain Power Sharpeners

Windy Suzuki (Professor of Neural Science at New York University), 55, did research on the brain and found out that you can grow a bigger and happier brain with meditation and exercise. This neuroplasticity of new brain cells sprouting new connections and new blood vessels feeding more oxygen (fuel) to neurons could be done with food, exercise, focus, sleep care, games, and meditation at any age from childhood to even the elderly. Using advanced brain imaging techniques, researchers found out how wonders are done with the above six factors in improving memory, thinking skills, creativity, and reducing the risk of dementia. Avoid brain toxic agents like reduction in sleep hours, lack of activity, and multitasks. Nutritional Supplements and electrical stimulation of brain training programs are hardly of any help.

Simple techniques to build a better brain.


Eating the right food and skipping the wrongs increases memory and thinking skills.
  • Right Food: Fruits, plant-based diets – Green leafy vegetables – Salad – Spinach, Grilled fish, Carrot, kale, or Collards
  • Wrong Food: Fried food – Potato chips – burgers – soft drinks – red meat and sausage

Activeness / Move improves the birth and growth of new brain cells increasing memory and alertness. A daily walk of 7500+ steps is a minimum. Doing housework like shopping, gardening, and walking the dog are worth trying. Sedentary life reduces memory.


It is the watchman cleaning the brain at night and washing away toxins of overthinking. VIII (eight) hours of sleep is a must. Try to stick to eight hours. Regular sleep schedule with sleep quality. Sleep deprivation leads to a decrease in mental focus, recall, and reaction time. They do not forgive each other. Make eight hours regular sleep schedule.


Don’t do things you don’t like. Pick something you love. Keep learning about it and doing it. People who keep their minds active have slower declines in memory and thinking.

Playing old-fashioned games like cards, bingo, and chess several times a week, sharpen memory skills and thinking.

Arts and crafts such as sewing, woodworking, and painting improve brain power.


Focus counts too. Allow yourself to focus on just one thing and go deep. Multitasking and switching your attention from one thing to another disrupts your memory.

Meditation and Countdown

Do yoga daily – sit still, breathe deeply, and do Hatha Yoga – Shavasan & Pranayam.

Yes, the brain can be built to be stronger without dementia at any age.

Ref. Article: Build a better brain – by Sari Harrar (Reader’s Digest) 

Dr. Bharat Desai, Bilimora 

Is Anger Your Fast Friend?

Anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.

– Gautama Buddha

We all know ‘Anger’ does not do any good to anybody. Almost all of us have dealt with it very closely, either as the recipient, the 'perpetrator' or often both. Then why do we fail to stay away from getting angry every off and on? Let’s take a deep dive into what anger is all about and if there is anything we can do to stay away from getting angry at all.

5 Minutes To Stress Relief

I am happy to address my readers once again with a very important subject of day-to-day problems: Stress.
Stress is a force that strains and deforms. People, events and circumstances take over you, and create stress. It is a physical expression of emotional insult. Emotions like Fear, Guilt, Shame, Anger, Worry, Guilt and Doubt lead to stress. 
That practically covers every normal, routine emotion. Then, how can we deal with stress?

3 Steps OSHO Meditation Technique

OSHO's 3-step Medication Technique

1. Breathing: 10 minutes

Sit in a comfortable relaxed position with back straight at 90 degrees with the base and keep your eyes closed without pressure on lids.

Take deep breathing in and do deep breathing out for 10 minutes. Pay attention to breathing only.

2. Total acceptance and non-resistance: 10 minutes

While continuing to pay attention to breathing, you hear sounds of birds, children, vehicles and such things around. Just do not get disturbed because of noise, instead, accept them as being natural and accept them without resistance. You will feel a great depth of meditation.

3. Egolessness: 10 minutes

Being aware of sounds as accepted and paying attention to breathing, think I am nobody, think I am not anywhere and be egoless. Continue thinking that you are a droplet becoming ocean by falling into the ocean. You will feel united with GOD and feel one with GOD… a desire of many to be so.

Do this for half an hour before going to bed and get asleep. Repeat the same in the bed lying on the bed while getting up in the morning.

You will get relaxed and happy. I did this myself and found having relaxing and pleasing effects.

When you are upset or angry during day-time, do these three steps of one minute each. It is a pleasing and de-stressing experience worth trying.

Raj Yoga

Raj YogaRaj means kingdom, the place where The King rules. Yoga means meeting, relation or joining together. So, Raj-Yoga is a technique of meditation leading to peace and happiness and thereby uniting oneself with supreme power-soul. The practice of Raj-yoga leads you to happiness for yourself and for those whom you interact by your inspiring source of positivity. The aim of Raj-yoga is to provide a means by which you can become the master of your own mind and your own destiny and thus acquire constant peace of mind.

How To Develop Mindfulness

Book Review: Art of Power by Thich Nhat Hanh
Part – III How to develop mindfulness 
  1. We think that if we can obtain a certain thing, we will be happy. But when we get them, we continue to crave and suffer.
  2. Fame, sex, power and wealth are the four kinds of bait that have a hook. If you are motivated by any of the desire, your destiny is suffering.
  3. To love each other does not mean we sit and look at each other. It means we look in the same direction.
  4. Do not try to be someone else.