Game For Happy Life

Ask yourself. "What do I really want?"

Take a piece of paper, a pencil and an eraser. Jot down, from your mind, 10 things that you want from your life (things that will make you feel happy). For example, things like:
  1. Happiness and peace of mind
  2. Being loved and well-being
  3. Good health
  4. Lots of money
  5. Loving spouse/children and their happiness
  6. Power and position in job/profession
  7. Nice house
  8. Lovely holidays
  9. Good education
  10. Good workplace


My observations at Brigade Road, M G Road, Church Street, K Kamraj Street and Commercial Street on 15-03-2011 between 4 and 9 PM:
  1. Youth are more than 90%
  2. They wear Jeans-Tshirt and shoes (both sex).
  3. 90% are coupled with opposite sex partner - with hand on the back or other partner's hand.
  4. Males have big forehead, while females have small.
  5. They love to smoke a cigarette.
  6. Most of them are busy talking on mobile.
  7. They would love using credit/debit card more than cash.

Failure In Professional Life

We do not fail for the want of skill per se.

We fail because of our:
  • unconsciousness,
  • permanent unease (restlessness),
  • lack of concentration, and
  • sometimes, lack of interest in the work we do.
Then, all one needs for success in whatever one does is:

Computer Vision Syndrome: Remediation

Continued from: Computer Vision Syndrome

The most typical symptom of Computer Vision Syndrome (or CVS) is 'Dry eye'. Most common factors that can cause 'Dry eye' are:
  • Decreased blink rate
  • Lid conditions
  • High gaze angle
  • Low humidity
  • Contaminants in environment
  • Air conditioner vents