Why Do I Write?

When I started writing on my blog, I used to ask myself if I should write at all. If yes, why? I would like to share my views on this topic with you.

I write for myself. This may sound egoistic, but it is self-explanatory as well. Because I want freedom from my thought cycle, I get mental catharsis by just writing out whatever it is. While having some serious events with myself, say the death of my mother first and then father, writing down makes a record of my emotions at a given time which I’m never going to repeat.

Gujarat – Introduction And History

A student of History has to understand Geography, Economics and Anthropology simultaneously. A person curious to know about world history has to proceed step by step, learning his own state first, then country and then only one can understand world history. Well, appreciating above facts, I am starting my study with History Of My State Of Gujarat. I have put it in order of time and later described important states and rulers.

Time Spent On Reading Everyday

Time spent in reading the newspapers and magazines we buy regularly:

Most of the morning passes with newspapers and the rest of the available time is spent in reading magazines we have subscribed. Is it really worth? How much reading time allotted to both is ideal?

The Frozen Friendships

Friends and friendships in a freeze:

If you did not have any meeting, letter-exchange, SMS or phone conversation in the last 365 days (one full year) with your friend, it means you are not considering any need to do so.

I consider such relations 'frozen' and reopening them may not be that simple for such a taken-for-granted relation.

Distant Relatives

Everyone knows and understands the difference between the close-ones and the distant. But nobody would love to hear oneself being introduced as a distant relative and at the said introduction of the 'distant' relative, one feels insulted.

So better avoid the word 'distant' while introducing anyone.

Basics of Christianity - II

Continuation of Basics of Christianity

The Holy Bible:

This time I am going to detail on New Testament of the Holy Bible.

As you all know, the holy bible is a religious book on Christianity guiding us and teaching us the religion. In the collection of 66 books written by more than 40 authors over a span of 15 countries, God has incorporated all truths, we should know about ourselves.

My Way Of Enjoying Buffet

Because of the fashion of the day, most of the invitations with the tag of lunch and/or dinner are having buffet style of serving food; sitting on the floor with paper dishes, leaf-dishes or stainless steel dishes for dinner is gradually losing its style. Buffet dinner has the advantage of keeping oneself mobile and of having the facility of meeting people of choice at ease and deciding quantity of food according to one's need; it has disadvantages also. The main being inconveniences of carrying heavy weight dish loaded with multiple items served. The idea is to have table and chair for eating and serving the items as per demand by the volunteers as seen in five-star programmes, but it is not that common.

Jainism: Simplified

I am introducing here world spread religion having 5.5 million followers, mainly in India and abroad like USA, UK, Canada, East Africa and many other countries in one of the six greatest religions. Word "Jain" is derived from "Jina" meaning conqueror. "Arihant" is one who has destroyed his inner enemies like anger, greed, passion and ego.

Feelings And Emotions On My 62nd Birthday

As we know, a birthday comes once every year. We are not talking here about many birthdays a year for some secret reasons. And it is a story of the past when nobody was aware or cautious about remembering, greeting or celebrating the birthday and the said day was passing unnoticed just like any other day.

Greetings and celebrations are must nowadays for many causes like birth, marriage, inaugurations and getting some award, appreciation success. And so birthday celebrations are a must. I want to talk about ways and time of birthday greetings and emotions that followed.

"Because" In Relations

"Because" in relations...

  • Because you did not attend my wedding, I will not attend yours.
  • Because you did not attend my parents' funeral, I will not attend your parents' funeral.
  • Because you did not give loan when I needed, I won't either.
  • Because you did not invite me in your celebration, I too will not.
  • Because,...
  • Because,.....

This accounting and reciprocating equally and accordingly is neither friendship nor family relationship.