Changing Was Never So Easy

Is change really easy? Let me start with the dictionary meanings of words ‘change’ and ‘easy’.

Change [cheynj] –verb
To alter
To modify
Pass from one form to another
To do something different

Easy [ee-zee] –adjective
Not difficult
Done or obtained without much effort
To move something gently and slowly

Bhagavad Gita - Short And Straight

Have you read Bhagavad Gita - also known as Shrimad Bhagavad Gita? A positive answer is not much awaited and so this article - giving details in a precise and shortest way. Just read every line and try to be with me in this story-telling. I am sure you will end up with great surprises.


Here, Bhagavad means GOD. Gita means singing poetry.

The context of the story is a dialogue - conversation, taking place on the battlefield of Kurukshetra war between Lord Krishna (kṛṣṇa) and Pandava prince Arjuna.

At The End Of The Day...

I have used the word 'day' to tell about LIFE here.
  • What is the balance-sheet of a life made of?
  • Is it the sum total of years one lived, health, wealth one gathered or positions one held?
  • Who will then certify the statement? Oneself, crowd present in the funeral or the friends at the time of condolence meeting?
I am confused.