Bhagavad Gita - Short And Straight

June 12, 2011 , , 8 Comments

Have you read Bhagavad Gita - also known as Shrimad Bhagavad Gita? A positive answer is not much awaited and so this article - giving details in a precise and shortest way. Just read every line and try to be with me in this story-telling. I am sure you will end up with great surprises.


Here, Bhagavad means GOD. Gita means singing poetry.

The context of the story is a dialogue - conversation, taking place on the battlefield of Kurukshetra war between Lord Krishna (kṛṣṇa) and Pandava prince Arjuna.

In 18 chapters on different Yogas (Yoga is to train body and mind) having 700 verses (also called śloka), Lord Krishna explains Arjuna his duties as a warrior and tells him different Yogic and Vedantic philosophies. Bhagavad Gita is part Hindu religious book - Mahabharat.

Actually, the reason for such a long conversation is sadness/sorrow of Arjuna on seeing his brothers, close relatives and Gurus (teachers) on the other side of the battlefield on Kurukshetra. He asks Lord Krishna whether he was ready to kill his own relatives for the greed of kingdom and happiness.

With these introductory remarks, I shall highlight certain important issues discussed in all 18 chapters.
  1. Arjuna asks Lord Krishna: What is better to forgo action or to act (Renunciation or discipline of action)? Krishna answers, both ways may be beneficent, but the action (Karma) is superior of the two. (V)
  2. Krishna reveals that he has lived many births for the PROTECTION of the pious and DESTRUCTION of the impious. He also stresses the importance of accepting teacher (GURU). (IV)
  3. Krishna tells the human traits of the divine and the demonic nature. He says to attain supreme destination one must give up lust, anger and greed, discern between right and wrong action by knowledge (Buddhi) and thus act correctly. (XII)
Well, I want to tell you here about the central theme of Bhagavad Gita in three words: They are Gyan, Karma and Bhakti yoga.

II. Gyan Yoga

The second chapter of Gita tells about knowledge, the process of learning to discriminate between what is real and what is not.
It is seeing with the eyes of knowledge the difference between the body and the knower of the body.
Gyan (knowledge) gives us the process of liberation from bondage in material nature and attaining the supreme Goal.
This is the path of knowledge.

III. Karma Yoga

Karma is doing one’s duty… physical work or say action.
Nobody can live without doing some type of work at any time of life because we possess inherited genetic desire to do one or other work.
Krishna tells I have neither anything to gain nor any work pending, still, I continue doing work, because I know whatever leaders do others follow.
To action alone, you have right and never to its fruits.
Work and work abandoning attachment to success or failure.

XII. Bhakti Yoga

It is loving devotion to God being easiest and the highest path to salvation.
Devotion, meditation and worship are essential elements of Bhakti.
Worship God with full faith with inner-self abiding in God.

Setting aside all meritorious deeds,
Just SURRENDER completely to my will (with the full faith and loving contemplation),
God promises I shall liberate you from all the sins.

IF you are still with me, you may want to know the summary.

I will conclude by telling the teachings of this book as:

Be WITNESS (Sakshibhav) to all you do as if you are a distant observer watching the event.
Be a spectator of the result of all you do without being attached to any.

What is superior? Bhakti (devotion), Gyan (knowledge) or Karma (action)?
When you act with appropriate knowledge, devotion is the best. Have you thought differently? That is better.

  • Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, Gita Press, Gorakhpur (India)
  • Articles and viewpoints on Wikipedia

An ophthalmologist by qualification and profession, Dr. Bharatchandra Desai loves reading about history, religion, and spirituality. He has written about them and also about 'Anavils' at length. Read all articles. ડૉ. ભરતચંદ્ર દેસાઈના ગુજરાતી લેખો વાંચવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો.


  1. It's probably the most simplified illustration of Bhagwad Gita.

  2. Thanks uncle for sharing such a wonderful article!!! I have been craving to read Gita since ages but somehow couldnt get chance to turn on the single page. I am glad your efforts to make it as simple as possible did the magic for me and I am going to read the full version very soon :)

    1. Ruja,

      I am happy you read it and sent your response.
      If the said article creates desire to read the original book, the purpose is well served.
      Till then go on reading this article again and again....

  3. Fuaji, thank you for posting this. The heaviness or rather the serious and "intense" association that Bhadgwad Geeta carries with it has been very beautifully portrayed with simple words. The moment you posted the article, I could not read it because the addictive thought process was running in the background. But on reading the article at a later point in time, it led to a soothing effect on the mind. Thank you!

  4. here are still many questions in my mind means its seems to me that i do have 1000s of question in my mind pls tell me more about geeta and its teaching

  5. It is much concise than I expected.
    But nice effort.
    Thanks a lot.

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