Before You Post On Facebook

When one writes post/comment to express one's views on Facebook, one is addressing a big number of audience - friends, colleagues and others. So it is prudent to be careful about spelling, grammar and punctuations or it will look insulting your friends. It will show as if you are attending party without proper make-up!

Long Vacation At Bengaluru

After voluntary retirement as Government Medical Officer, my wife Dr Bhavana (Devyani) wanted to have a vacation and I joined her. The long break of 14 days (2 weeks) was starting on date 9th March 2011 and ending on 23rd March 2011. We planned to stay at Rahul’s (our son) residence at Bangalore and return to Bilimora.

Vacation - is stopping the continuous job/work and retire at some place at leisure. We know vacation is a change of activity and we did that. It is a recess, say a break or temporary cessation of routine work.

Is vacation necessary?

Game For Happy Life

Ask yourself. "What do I really want?"

Take a piece of paper, a pencil and an eraser. Jot down, from your mind, 10 things that you want from your life (things that will make you feel happy). For example, things like:
  1. Happiness and peace of mind
  2. Being loved and well-being
  3. Good health
  4. Lots of money
  5. Loving spouse/children and their happiness
  6. Power and position in job/profession
  7. Nice house
  8. Lovely holidays
  9. Good education
  10. Good workplace


My observations at Brigade Road, M G Road, Church Street, K Kamraj Street and Commercial Street on 15-03-2011 between 4 and 9 PM:
  1. Youth are more than 90%
  2. They wear Jeans-Tshirt and shoes (both sex).
  3. 90% are coupled with opposite sex partner - with hand on the back or other partner's hand.
  4. Males have big forehead, while females have small.
  5. They love to smoke a cigarette.
  6. Most of them are busy talking on mobile.
  7. They would love using credit/debit card more than cash.

Failure In Professional Life

We do not fail for the want of skill per se.

We fail because of our:
  • unconsciousness,
  • permanent unease (restlessness),
  • lack of concentration, and
  • sometimes, lack of interest in the work we do.
Then, all one needs for success in whatever one does is:

Computer Vision Syndrome: Remediation

Continued from: Computer Vision Syndrome

The most typical symptom of Computer Vision Syndrome (or CVS) is 'Dry eye'. Most common factors that can cause 'Dry eye' are:
  • Decreased blink rate
  • Lid conditions
  • High gaze angle
  • Low humidity
  • Contaminants in environment
  • Air conditioner vents

Computer Vision Syndrome

If you use a computer, it’s a reason enough for you to read this article. This is the first article of two-part series on Computer Vision Syndrome.

The information is extracted from Dr. Vineet Ratra’s (DNB FRCS) presentation in All India Ophthalmological Conference 2011. Dr. Ratra is Senior Consultant at Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai.

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)

Ideal Wedding Gift

What is the ideal amount to be given with 'blessings' at the time of someone's wedding? 101.. 151.. 251... 501 or more?

No amount is OK... Ideal is zero!

Your relationship is priceless... no need of being pseudo-formal.

Message On Valentine's Day

Interesting Message on Valentine's Day:
I want to love so many people simultaneously and unconditionally... but I cannot do with each and everyone that come across. To the extent, I start hating some only on my impression after seeing someone.

Facebook Users Grading

Facebook users grading, in my opinion:
  1. Expresses one's views on different subjects and responds to friends with comments.
  2. Only gives comments to Facebook material by friends.
  3. Only clicks like button when likes, but does not tell one's views
  4. Opens Facebook and reads, but then silent.
  5. Never sees Facebook, someone/oneself has started FB account, that's all!