Thought For Sunday

Check whether you have any one of the following:

  1. You have stopped long walks, though you are not physically unfit.
  2. You have started eating more than you were eating for last few years.
  3. You have stopped learning new things and studying.
  4. You have started counting your assets and bank deposits.
  5. You have accepted and started liking your obesity and big abdomen.

If any one of above is "YES", you are mentally an OLD-PERSON needing mental care or your end is imminent.

Why Remove Shoes Outside?

I say, do not remove shoes outside the house!

People expecting or demanding you to remove the shoes outside their entrance must be sure of a clean and smooth walkable floor, or they should provide an alternative disposable pair of shoes/slippers to the visitor.

What do you say?

Public Lecture on Organ and Body Donation

  1. ‘Lecture on Organ Donation and Body Donation’ – by Dr Prafull Shiroya (Lokdrushti Trust, Surat)
  2. ‘Problems of a Blind Person & Her/his Development through Modern Technologies’ – by Dipak Raval (National Association for Blind, Navsari)
  3. Felicitation of Organ/Body Donors’ Family Members

Contact information:

Dr Bharatchandra M Desai

Desai Eye Hospital, Feeder Road, B/h Bilimora Bus Depot, Bilimora – 396380
Mobile: +91-9924063045
Phone: +91-2634-284620

Venue Details: 

Jalaram Mandir Hall, Somnath Sankul, Bilimora - 396321

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NOTE: This is an open event. There are no entry charges. Invite your friends to this event via Facebook.

English Generation's Hindi Romance

Present generation young people talk and express their views most of the times in English. But when it comes to expressing personal emotions of love and affection, they sing Hindi songs.

Ironical, isn't it?!

Facebook Activeness

Facebook activeness demands offering/sharing your views and getting the responses from your FB friends.

If you do not share anything, all you are left with is responding your friends views.

Bharatbhai, Bharatbhai, Bharatbhai And Bharatbhai – My Kutch Tour Diary

Our recent tour of Kutch landed an interesting coincidence. I (Dr Bharat Desai), my wife Dr Bhavana, and our friends Dr Vijay Desai, his wife Meena Desai, Bepsi-ben and Villoo-ben made three nights and four days plan for Kutch - Bhuj.

Marriage Workshop

Workshop by parents of a son and/or daughter on marriage is a must.

Parents should enlist and explain in details the Do's and Dont's for success of married life.

Just having good look, good qualification and good earning does not make a marriage successful. These things can only work as a base for agreeing to marry.

Inter-personnel manners, care for each-other and maintaining dignity of relations makes the most important issues.

Or failure is certain!!!

Out Of The Box Thinking

Creative genius Swami Vivekananda gave guidance to the youth of the world and showed the light to all. Mr A R K Sharma, a Gold medalist in Science and Electronics and Telecom Engineering, wrote this book – Out Of The Box Thinking – telling about how to become a successful person, businessman or monk by Swami Vivekananda's way.

Out-of-Box thinking is the way of solving problems by looking at them from an unexpected perspective. It implies that we think differently, unconventionally. It involves discarding the past experience, leaving behind traditional modes of thought and discarding the preconceived notions.

What Went Wrong In The History of India

For those who do not learn from history, history teaches them a lesson at a great cost.
We - the Indians - neither create history nor read history, and so writing the history is far from even dreaming of. Therefore, more often than not, we became silent spectators and slaves praising the people who made marks in history. History is repeated every often because we never read it and so never learn anything whatsoever. We do not have a record of history beyond 2000 years because we never found it worth writing and keeping a record of. No wonder, books of history give us their viewpoint – biased – written by either Mughals as Babarnama, British or Chinese student Hu-En-Sang. It was not before 1000 years that Indian scholar Acharya Hemchandra wrote Siddh-Hem telling a total history of the said period of Kind Siddhraj Jaisinh rule. Again, a blackout occurred.

Way Out Formula for Unsolvable Problems

In a lifetime, we often face a situation called PROBLEM. And facing this makes us tense and stressful. I am trying, in this article, to come out with a formula for this state of mind. I will try to be precise, but I shall expect you to be with me all the while – your full attention and total concentration is a must.