Confession on Women's Day

Being a member of the male-dominated culture and having an Anavil inheritance of male-ego, I was wrongly considering myself superior to my wife Dr Bhavana Desai (Devyani). I want to confess, I was wrong.

Before Shirdi, Shivarimal and After Saputara, Shivarimal - Story of a School for Blind Children

We visit Saputara (the only hill station in Gujarat) round the year for pleasure trips. Similarly, the devotees of Sai Baba visit Shirdi frequently. For a change and possibly a better experience, I’d like to suggest you visit Shivarimal (a Free Residential School for Visually Impaired (Blind) and Physically Challenged Children), about 20 km from Saputara and 93 km away from Bilimora on Bilimora-Saputara road. Let me tell you my reasons for details.

My close friend Piyushbhai Dharaiya formed a charitable trust in the name of his wife Late Jyotsanaben and decided to donate the interest away, every year. I suggested him to visit Shivarimal School for Blind Children and experience the emotions of blind students. We finally visited this place on Sunday, February 16th, 2014 and the result is this introductory article.

Hatred – My Involuntary Emotion

Whatever idealistic discussions we do, there are certain emotions that come out without our will – involuntarily. Hatred is one of them. I shall introduce the subject first.

Penguin dictionary describes Hate as a deep enduring intense emotion expressing animosity, anger and hostility towards a person, group or object. So, hate is deep and emotional dislike created by ideas, individuals, entities or objects.

Become an iMature Student – A Book On Internet

Computer users having internet connection are most of the time restricted to Social Media like "Facebook" or just reading E-mails received. Here is a book for them to teach all the details on the subject. Author Raghu Pandey (an Expert on the Internet)  has spent more than 18 months in preparing this book to make us understand the subject in the most simple and easy way. This is a book for all!

Raghvendra “Raghu” Pandey

I personally know Raghu - the author - for more than a decade now. His way of living life has impressed me in many ways. He is open to experimenting with life on himself and for that earning money is just a byproduct. The intense desire to teach students the subject Internet has made him spend nearly one and half a year to write this book. Let me say: it was this virtue of doing social service for self-satisfaction and desire to express knowledge in the simplest and easy to understand the way that led him to write this book.

The Respect Reciprocation

  • If someone respects you, you like that.
  • If someone respects you, you reciprocate by respecting him/her. (The person concerned may be good or bad.)
So, it is worth respecting people around, your respect is certainly going to be maintained.

Weddings In Two Opposite Styles: Destination Wedding Vs. Elopement

Destination Wedding:
  • It is a wedding event generally held far away from residences of the would-be couple.
  • Here, the wedding is hosted in a location where guests have to travel long to reach the said wedding place... the DESTINATION.
  • Guests are expected to stay long for the event.
  • Places are usually grand like Palace, Resort, Beach. In India, Goa, Udaipur and some resorts near Mumbai are typically considered. It is one's imagination and choice.

  • This is a way of getting married... often unexpectedly... without inviting guests to the wedding.
  • Usually, such weddings are without consent and/or knowledge of the parents.
  • Such weddings, when informed to relatives, are often a surprise.

The Herd Mentality

Praise: We are fond of being a man in the crowd of the herd, having a herd mentality, just copying and doing what others do... be it praising Sachin Tendulkar or anybody else for that matter.

We shall never find out our own Hero around us doing great social service worth appreciating and do that.

Raise And Throw

We often get impressed by someone very easily and carried away to praise, appreciate and raise above oneself. All around us follow and a big crowd of followers is created around a wrong person. By the time we realise our mistake and decide to throw them down, great social damage has already occurred.

Pledge On Dasserra '13

Take a pledge this Dasserra:

  • Decide the dates for meeting parents staying away
  • If by chance your parents are staying away from you, fix minimum two to three of these days every year for meeting the parents:

  1. Your own birthday
  2. Your wedding anniversary
  3. New year day morning
  4. Holi
  5. Raksha-bandhan
  6. Makar Sankranti
  7. Independence/Republic Day or
  8. Any date suitable to you every year

Family, Friends And You

Your Relations/Friends and You!

Every relation has three possible situations:
  1. Relation with both Love and Respect
  2. Relation, but neither Love nor Respect 
  3. Relation with either of the two: Love Or Respect
Now whatever one of the above three you find about any given relationship/friendship, the ideal approach is to respond all with love and respect in total.

Just try...