24 Hours Of Traveling Public Transport - An Experience

My Car  to Desai Eye Hospital
My wife’s car (Dr Bhavana Desai)  to Bilimora Railway Station
Sayaji Nagari Express  to Surat
Auto Rickshaw  to Dayalji Ashram (a Marriage Function)
Walk  to God Dod Road
Auto Rickshaw  to Dr Bhaskar D Acharya’s Bungalow
Car  to Surat S.T. Bus Terminus
State Transport Super-fast Bus  to Navsari
Local Bus  to Eru Cross Roads
Three-wheeler Tempo  to Khara Abrama
Three-wheeler Tempo  to Amalsad
Three-wheeler Tempo  to Bilimora
Brisk walk  for early home

Resolving Conflicts

I said:

If you want to tell something to your close ones – son/ daughter/ parents/ parents-in-law/ brother-sister-in-law/ sons-daughters-in-law – regarding some misunderstanding, problem, disagreement, expectation, etc., tell the concerned one directly instead of telling others.

Because -
  1. Telling others will complicate the issue rather than solving it.
  2. The other person will add her/his own material to the story and then tell. Your story may be changed in total.
  3. The other person may enjoy your situation in place of sympathizing you!
  4. If you tell your emotions directly to the concerned one, it may solve the issue.
  5. Telling the close person directly will make a great difference.

Activeness On Facebook

I see my friends on Facebook active, even hyperactive, for sometime and then inactive or say silent for a long gap to appear again. Is it a mood variation from euphoria to depression that is the cause or other engagements elsewhere? What do you think is the reason?

Privacy On Social Networking

Privacy and Security Advisers tell, follow this while being on social networking (Facebook, Twitter, etc.):

  1. Avoid putting photos showing details of home
  2. Don't give your travel/tour programme in details
  3. Don't disclose your whereabouts
  4. Avoid giving contact details like address, mobile and E-mail