Fortuitous Visit To Wilson Hills

It was a Thursday, otherwise a working day at my hospital, but I chose to declare it a holiday because my friend Sanjay Mahant and I asked each other to go for an event at Kanya Chhatralaya, Vagavad (near Dharampur, Gujarat). In turn, surprise visit to this hill-station materialised on 15-June-2016.

One of the less visited hill-stations and waiting to be developed for tourist needs, this is one of the best hilly places I have ever seen. If you want to share nature in a less crowded, say lonely place, Wilson Hills is for you. This 2500 feet high place is 25 km away from Dharampur and 130 km from Surat. We can easily reach here by very good roads in the scenic Western Ghats.

What nobody knows about this hill-station is, this is the only place 2500 feet high showing glimpse of the sea!

Wedding Announcement

In Greece, there is a law about marriages. It forces you to give a detailed advertisement of marriage decision telling about both bride and groom.... one month in advance, in the newspaper.

I think this exercise gives you time to reconsider regarding the prudence of your decision. You may analyse your said partner and think about compatibility. Then the chances of cancelling the decision are more.

Or readers of the news may warn you about the drawbacks of the said partner, leading to no marriage at the said place.

Must You Keep Your Mouth Shut

Your mouth must actively be closed.

Or else, bacteria, insects and unwanted calories will be engulfed leading to diseases, obesity and other undesired troubles. The tongue behind will kill you if you inadvertently and imprudently overuse it.

See, the creator of human body ''God'' has kept nose and ears permanently open and eyes also open most of the time, except while sleeping. However, the mouth has to be kept closed all the time except for speaking and eating.

Respect To Wife

After getting married, the wife changes her name and adds husband's name. Similarly, the husband should also add wife's name to his. And both can drop their fathers' names.

After the wedding, the wife wears "Mangal Sutra" and applies "Bindi" on her forehead. The married man - the husband - too should find out similar symbolic marks on neck and forehead. And till then, he should copy wearing Mangal Sutra and Bindi.

Diet Consciousness

If you want to ignore strict dieting and stress of not getting to eat this and that... Be diet conscious!

Let us start afresh...

  • Avoid cakes in any celebration... be it a birthday, wedding anniversary, promotion or success in the examination. It was never used in such events in the past; it is a present-day wrong fashion!
  • Second is ice-cream in any form... Kulfi, Cones, Milk-shakes, Cups, Falooda or even ice-cream pakoda!

Balancing The Female:Male Ratio

Think this over. The ratio of the male-female population today is 1000:920, meaning 100:92, or to be simplest 10:9. Meaning thereby if every 9 women marry one man each... one out of 10 men will remain unmarried.

Now think...

What is the remedy if all the men wanted to get married? The only ethical remedy would be, that one of every nine women should marry two men.

Frustrations Of Expectations On Facebook

As far as you are sharing your views, events and a few of your photos, everything is fair enough and natural. If you are too much eager to ask for so many likes, comments and sharing your presentation, frustration is imminent!

For Women Lib Ladies

Girls do "Gauri Vrat" to get a good husband. After getting one, they do "Kadava Chouth" and "Vat Savitri Poonam Vrat". This is customary amongst all.

At the same time, boys and later the married men do not follow any such ritual, nor do they do any fasting at all.

When A Friendship/Relationship Breaks

Present day thinking leads to breaking a relation on many occasions. It is undesirable but still natural. Don't get panicked about it; relax and think over the following:

Paralysing Intelligence

When you hear or read some intelligent people like Osho, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev or any alike, you start agreeing to whatever they say. Not because you are his follower or student, but because the content is true. Then you hear or read what he tells about some other topic and you again agree in total. Now the paralysing of your intelligence has begun.

You surrender in total. Without your awareness, you stop thinking and become dependent on him. This is "paralysing intelligence".
