For Parents of A Married Son

Be cautious in critising the in-laws of your son; he may not like it even if you are right.

Avoid being critic with bad taste, you will be the loser.

Your son is married and he is neutral to both the sides, non-biased for any.

Freedom From The Known - Quick Review

I recently re-read this book Freedom From The Known by J Krishnamurti, edited by Mary Lutyens.

I have gone through the details. I cannot summarize it for you, but as I have told you his thoughts regarding LOVE, now I will tell you some other ideas he told.

1. Seeking for security is inviting insecurity.

2. We human beings are what we have been for millions of years…
Colossally greedy,
and despairing
with occasional flashes of joy and affection.


Love - As portrayed by J. Krishnamurti in 'Freedom From The Known'

Adoring someone,
sleeping with someone,
the emotional exchange
or the companionship.
Is that what we mean by love?

Can love be divided in
the sacred or the profane,
the human or the divine or
there is only love?

Refractive Surgeries

An introduction video on Refractive Surgeries. Quite primitive and fundamentally useful information for the viewers from all groups.

Facebook Diseased

Cyberworld and You - Part 2

Here I want to conclude my first article on the same subject with important closing remarks.

I have tried to describe four signs of the DISEASED person - they may or may not apply any of us!

Father's Reply To A Daughter Married Against His Will

From:    Dr Bharat Desai
Date:      Sun, Jul 18, 2010, at 9:53 PM
Subject:  Father's reply to a daughter married against his will, on Father's day.

Beloved Prathana,

This is a reply to your letter published in Chitralekha direct from the heart of a Father, uncensored.


We are always comparing what we are with what we should be. The 'should be' is projection of what we think we ought be. Contradiction exists when there is comparison, not only with something or somebody, but with what you were yesterday and hence there is conflict between 'what has been' and 'what is'.

There is 'what is' only when there is no comparison at all, and to live with 'what is', is to be peaceful. Then you can give your whole attention to 'what is' within yourself and you can live with it completely.

J. Krishnamurti (Freedom From the Known)

Social Networking - An Addiction

Cyberworld & You - Part 1
Social Networking - An Addiction

...and so many so called social networking websites.

Family Planning

It is the THE RIGHT of a married couple to decide when to be parents and how many times. Parents and parents-in-law must not dictate or suggest about what they wish.

In my opinion, ideal is the first child soon after the wedding, second at the earliest convenient time. Late parenthood is complicated and difficult once in a while. Single child is sometimes a problem child.


Life begins with 100 and ends with 0 (zero). The death is the process of zeroing oneself physically (no body), intellectually (no brain, intelligence or thought process) and materialistically (you are owner of nothing). Death is a slow process progressing gradually. The Vedas tell us: up to 50 yrs full social life, 50 to 75 yrs live with family semi attached, and after 75 yrs go for Sannyasa (renunciation).

Can we start zeroing?