
A few days ago, my mother (84) passed away of old age. I had an experience of being in a state of sorrow due to her demise. The article is an outcome of experiences following the incidence. I did realize the need and importance of true consolation to the grieved person. So I thought it is prudent to write from the heart words giving guidance.

Condolence: It is expressing sympathy to a misfortune or bereavement (one deprived of relative because of death).
Consolation: To give comfort or sympathy to an unhappy person.

On the death of a close relative, a sudden gap is created due to the absence of that relative. Even the mentally strong person understanding every aspect of the event becomes shocked for a while. Here is the need of true consolation known as 'condolence.'

Distance Phobia

When someone close is away beyond easily approachable distance, person concerned is anxious and worried for no reason about well-being of person.

The only way out is Acceptance.

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Accounts In Relations

The day you start counting what you have done for your friend/relative, the relationship is either over or about to die. The base of any relation is moral/psychological support, physical work and financial/materialistic help. It has to be endless and beyond counts. Once you start falling short of this, you go finding all such things and expecting reward or reciprocation.

Well, that is the end of relation.

Misguiding Parents Alert


When either of your parents comment, criticise or say something about your spouse/life-partner in absence of the concerned partner, be alert. They may be wrong or say prejudiced. So be alert, prudent and cautious before discussing this or taking any action against the concerned person.

Mind Your Mind

Mind your mind! Or you may need a psychiatrist at the earliest.

If you cannot love and respect any one of the following (whatever their nature, economic or intellectual level may be) - Parents, Parents-in-law, Son/Daughter, or Son/Daughter-in-law, consider checking your thought cycle and revise it. Or else, you may be nowhere. 

You may lose your most important life support following your method.

Loneliness Alert

Alert! When you are staying as a nuclear family, say single pair of husband-wife for long duration, a time comes you start enjoying-loving your privacy and loneliness. And time comes when you don't like any break-breach in that, meaning thereby you start disliking, if not hating, any person around.

Felicitation Of True Devotees

We should felicitate the extremists, terrorists, alcoholics, gamblers, etc. type of people around us for their total conviction, devotion to the job they do; total dedication and full attention to the work they have opted. Their character attracts followers and disciples obeying them blindly.

Only after learning these virtues, can we raise our own neck for any garland!

The One Minute Apology

From the recent book review, I presented at Lions Club’s promotional event, as a part of Vanche Gujarat campaign.

The One Minute Apology - Ken Blanchard, Margret McBride
  • A powerful way to make things better.
  • A manipulative technique for getting what you want.
  • A power of forgiveness to improve or repair relationships, your business and even your home.

Conclusion: Mind-Body-Medicine

Any profit and loss account statement should end with precise brief balance sheet telling what was the final outcome; similarly any detailed report should end with conclusion telling what did you really gained. I will do that.

What did I learn here? I will reply this question precisely. I cannot and do not want to boast of gaining ENLIGHTENMENT, but I can say with full humility, I have learnt a lot. They have changed me.

Raj Yoga

Raj YogaRaj means kingdom, the place where The King rules. Yoga means meeting, relation or joining together. So, Raj-Yoga is a technique of meditation leading to peace and happiness and thereby uniting oneself with supreme power-soul. The practice of Raj-yoga leads you to happiness for yourself and for those whom you interact by your inspiring source of positivity. The aim of Raj-yoga is to provide a means by which you can become the master of your own mind and your own destiny and thus acquire constant peace of mind.