I Am

Inspired by the title of the blog “I Am” of my niece Khushbu Desai, I thought I should write my views on I AM and the result follows.

I am a son.
I am a brother.
I am a husband.
I am a father.
I am an uncle.
I am father-in-law.
I am relative.
I am a friend.

Changing Was Never So Easy

Is change really easy? Let me start with the dictionary meanings of words ‘change’ and ‘easy’.

Change [cheynj] –verb
To alter
To modify
Pass from one form to another
To do something different

Easy [ee-zee] –adjective
Not difficult
Done or obtained without much effort
To move something gently and slowly

Bhagavad Gita - Short And Straight

Have you read Bhagavad Gita - also known as Shrimad Bhagavad Gita? A positive answer is not much awaited and so this article - giving details in a precise and shortest way. Just read every line and try to be with me in this story-telling. I am sure you will end up with great surprises.


Here, Bhagavad means GOD. Gita means singing poetry.

The context of the story is a dialogue - conversation, taking place on the battlefield of Kurukshetra war between Lord Krishna (kṛṣṇa) and Pandava prince Arjuna.

At The End Of The Day...

I have used the word 'day' to tell about LIFE here.
  • What is the balance-sheet of a life made of?
  • Is it the sum total of years one lived, health, wealth one gathered or positions one held?
  • Who will then certify the statement? Oneself, crowd present in the funeral or the friends at the time of condolence meeting?
I am confused.

The Gadget Illness

The modern day 'Gadget Illness: Checking Facebook, Emails, Twitter, etc. and Caller IDs of the mobile phone repeatedly, say now and then, is an illness most of the people today have. What do they search every often? It makes them slave of the gadget. Be alert!

People doing job or some business are exception in some cases.


Stress is pressure or worry resulting from mental or physical distress or difficult circumstances.

For all the intelligent, sincere and responsible individuals, stress is an outcome of one’s activity. It has to be there. All one needs is to see it as essential force for progress/development and not more than that.

One has to be a distant viewer-observer or witness to the said situation and not part of it.

How to get rid of it?

Obituaries In Newspaper

An obituary is a note published in the newspaper about someone's death. A big number of people read that first, and many times only read that much.

They are often happy knowing that their equal-aged person is dead and oneself is not dead... alive!

Some of them would want to relive the past with the dead person and again be satisfied thinking: S/he is no more, but I being a greater one, is still alive!

The pleasure is present in the death of others without any sorrow/sadness of the event. What a tragedy!


If spending money makes you angry, irritable, tense or unhappy, it is a sign showing your income is less than your own capacity to earn.You know your earning level, but your attempts need more sincerity and planning.

Before You Post On Facebook

When one writes post/comment to express one's views on Facebook, one is addressing a big number of audience - friends, colleagues and others. So it is prudent to be careful about spelling, grammar and punctuations or it will look insulting your friends. It will show as if you are attending party without proper make-up!

Long Vacation At Bengaluru

After voluntary retirement as Government Medical Officer, my wife Dr Bhavana (Devyani) wanted to have a vacation and I joined her. The long break of 14 days (2 weeks) was starting on date 9th March 2011 and ending on 23rd March 2011. We planned to stay at Rahul’s (our son) residence at Bangalore and return to Bilimora.

Vacation - is stopping the continuous job/work and retire at some place at leisure. We know vacation is a change of activity and we did that. It is a recess, say a break or temporary cessation of routine work.

Is vacation necessary?