Before Saying "Yes" For Marriage - II

Expectations from everything have gone high, be it any relation or life. And in that, marriage is no exception. So one has to be alert before saying "YES" for marriage or marriage may end suddenly without any chance of compromise. Though issues I am going to put forward may sound small and petty, they actually are of great importance.

Are Old-age-homes Meant For My Parents?

Or if I may ask, are my parents worth sending and keeping in an old-age-home?

The need for time demands more and more old-age-homes to be built. Because:
  • Expense: No problem.
  • Monthly payment amount: No problem.
  • Servants, cook and other staff needed: No problem.
  • Whatever has to be done: No problem!

Pune Or Bangalore?

Pune or Bangalore?  Even Chhatrapati Shivajirao Bhonsale was confused.

  1. Shivaji Maharaj was born in 1630 at the Shivneri Fort near Pune and stayed there for 10 years with his mother Jijabai. (From Shivneri Fort, his name Shivaji was derived.)
  2. His father Shahaji used to work in Bangalore with Sultan Adilshah of Bijapur.

Shivaji was a strong headed person and did not bow down his head to Sultan. To save him from the punishment, his father Shahaji sent him back from Bangalore to Pune where he became the king.

Content Vs. Progressive


  1. Content
  2. Simplicity
  3. Non-violence and
  4. Let-go ('tyaagi') attitude

These characters are ideal for anybody. But at the same time, they may make you idle (not ideal, but idle) and stop your progress.

Before Saying "Yes" For Marriage

Typically marriages are decided by one of these two methods in our society:
  1. Arranged Marriage: Socially accepted and practised method where ‘offer’ for marriage is given by appropriate party and then, marriage is finalized on the basis of match-making.
  2. Love Marriage: Recently established way of selecting marriage partner after some contact, friendship and/or attraction because of looks. Here prospective partners for marriage decide themselves marry with or without consent from parents and families.

All Of Us Know This, But Shall We Follow?

As responsible citizens of this planet, we have some duties towards her - towards our future generations. We all already know about them, I'm sure.

Needs of Relations

Every relationship needs:

  1. Compromise
  2. Nurturing and
  3. Trust, besides
  4. Love

Good Nature Is Worth...

I would like my blog readers to comment the way they understand the following:

Good nature 
is worth,
more than knowledge,
more than money and more than any honour
to those who have it.
- H W Beechar

Breaking The Chain Of Relations

Break verb.
  1. Interrupt
  2. To stop doing something for a while
  3. Destroy
  4. End of relation
Chain noun.
  1. Connection by links or rings
  2. Series of connected things e.g. hotels, shops
  3. Continuous connection due to attachments
Relation noun.
  1. Way in which one person is connected/associated with another
  2. Contacts or link between people, groups or countries
  3. Attachment between two because of birth, marriage or contact

Balancing Relations

Balancing two sides of relations:
  1. A son/daughter: Parents and offsprings
  2. A married woman: Parents and parents-in-laws
  3. A married son: Wife and parents
When you are any of the above, you are an in-between person. You have to be tricky, cautious and careful person in handling either side maintaining your own views or you will be in trouble. You need not be judging any, but you have to be neutral and caring both.