Stay, Food and Beverages

National Conference on Mind-Body-Medicine
Mount Abu
August 6-10, 2010
Part-II Stay, Food and Beverages

Continued from Part-I The Journey

Stay at Gyaan Sarovar, Mount Abu

Staying with 9 other persons in the same room - a dormitory - is a rare experience worth trying. You get this experience only at youth hostels trekking programs.

National Conference on Mind-Body-Medicine

National Conference on Mind-Body-Medicine

Mount Abu

August 6-10, 2010

Part-I The Journey

I was one of the 750 consultant doctor delegates of India, attending this conference between 6 to 10 August 2010. My love for nature and temptation to wander at Abu in the rainy season brought me here. I shall share my experiences of the event with you. I shall describe the academic part and other experiences step by step, with short articles. I invite you to be with me.

The Journey

I was boasting that it was worth being alone, but the pride vanished when the journey began in loneliness and eating alone became difficult.

Bilimora to Valsad was by car accompanied by my wife Dr Bhavana and friend Anilbhai, then Ranakpur Express drove me to Abu Road Railway station. Despite all the comforts and air-conditioning, I could hardly sleep, because, I had to leave the train early morning at 4. Three persons - Dr Bhavana, BK Jagruti, and the coach attendant woke me up, but I was ready long before they tried.

Return was easy, because, getting down was at 6. If the journey is during the daytime, the view can be enjoyed better.

Next in series:

How To Develop Mindfulness

Book Review: Art of Power by Thich Nhat Hanh
Part – III How to develop mindfulness 
  1. We think that if we can obtain a certain thing, we will be happy. But when we get them, we continue to crave and suffer.
  2. Fame, sex, power and wealth are the four kinds of bait that have a hook. If you are motivated by any of the desire, your destiny is suffering.
  3. To love each other does not mean we sit and look at each other. It means we look in the same direction.
  4. Do not try to be someone else.


Book Review: Art of Power by Thich Nhat Hanh 
Part – II Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the energy of attention and capacity to be 100% present to what is happening within and around us, right here and right now.

Whatever you do, you do with your whole being.

Invest yourself entirely in the here and now, without running away from here and now.

The past is already gone, the future is not yet here. If you miss the present moment, you miss your appointment with life.

We have been taught to do many things at once. Actually, forget this and everything. Instead of multitasking, we must restrict ourselves to 'unitask'.

If you are not capable of being in the here and now, you won't be able to recognise yourself, your happiness or your sufferings.

FIVE pieces of training for this:
  1. Be aware of the suffering caused by the destruction of life. Not to kill anyone and be a supporter of killers. 
  2. Be aware of sufferings caused by exploitation, social injustice, stealing and oppression. 
  3. Sexual misconduct. 
  4. Loving speech and deep listening. 
  5. Have mindful consumption of drink, eating and consuming. We are what we consume. 
It is being present in the present, with full mind-attention.

The Art Of Power
  • Book Title: The Art Of Power
  • Author: Thich Nhat Hanh
  • Book reviewed by: Dr Bharat Desai, Bilimora on 19-Aug-2010 
  • Pages: 240 pages
  • ISBN-10: 0061242365
  • ISBN-13: 978-0061242366

Art of Power by Thich Nhat Hanh

Book Review: Art of Power by Thich Nhat Hanh
Part – I

Our society is founded on a very limited definition of power, namely wealth, professional success, fame, physical strength, military might and political control. My dear Friends, I suggest that there is another kind of power, a greater power: the power to be happy right in the present moment, free from addiction, fear, despair, discrimination, anger and ignorance. This power is a birthright of every human being, celebrated or unknown, rich or poor, strong or weak.

A Vietnamese Buddhist Zen master, poet, scholar and peace activist THICH NHAT HANH wrote this book in 2007 to enlighten us on this subject of power and tell us how true power comes from WITHIN. What we seek is what we already have. He walks to talk and to tell us "LET US HAVE THE COURAGE TO BEGIN THIS WITH OURSELVES." To bring happiness to others, we must be happy.

For Parents of A Married Son

Be cautious in critising the in-laws of your son; he may not like it even if you are right.

Avoid being critic with bad taste, you will be the loser.

Your son is married and he is neutral to both the sides, non-biased for any.

Freedom From The Known - Quick Review

I recently re-read this book Freedom From The Known by J Krishnamurti, edited by Mary Lutyens.

I have gone through the details. I cannot summarize it for you, but as I have told you his thoughts regarding LOVE, now I will tell you some other ideas he told.

1. Seeking for security is inviting insecurity.

2. We human beings are what we have been for millions of years…
Colossally greedy,
and despairing
with occasional flashes of joy and affection.


Love - As portrayed by J. Krishnamurti in 'Freedom From The Known'

Adoring someone,
sleeping with someone,
the emotional exchange
or the companionship.
Is that what we mean by love?

Can love be divided in
the sacred or the profane,
the human or the divine or
there is only love?

Refractive Surgeries

An introduction video on Refractive Surgeries. Quite primitive and fundamentally useful information for the viewers from all groups.

Facebook Diseased

Cyberworld and You - Part 2

Here I want to conclude my first article on the same subject with important closing remarks.

I have tried to describe four signs of the DISEASED person - they may or may not apply any of us!