Resolving Conflicts

I said:

If you want to tell something to your close ones – son/ daughter/ parents/ parents-in-law/ brother-sister-in-law/ sons-daughters-in-law – regarding some misunderstanding, problem, disagreement, expectation, etc., tell the concerned one directly instead of telling others.

Because -
  1. Telling others will complicate the issue rather than solving it.
  2. The other person will add her/his own material to the story and then tell. Your story may be changed in total.
  3. The other person may enjoy your situation in place of sympathizing you!
  4. If you tell your emotions directly to the concerned one, it may solve the issue.
  5. Telling the close person directly will make a great difference.

Activeness On Facebook

I see my friends on Facebook active, even hyperactive, for sometime and then inactive or say silent for a long gap to appear again. Is it a mood variation from euphoria to depression that is the cause or other engagements elsewhere? What do you think is the reason?

Privacy On Social Networking

Privacy and Security Advisers tell, follow this while being on social networking (Facebook, Twitter, etc.):

  1. Avoid putting photos showing details of home
  2. Don't give your travel/tour programme in details
  3. Don't disclose your whereabouts
  4. Avoid giving contact details like address, mobile and E-mail

Death on Desire

Death on desire is also known as “Mercy killing” and ‘Euthanasia’.

In Greek language, Eu means good and thanatos means death… Euthanasia meaning good death.

It is ending the life when one does not want to live. It is also known as ‘death without suffering’.

Parents And Children On Facebook

Parents and Children on Facebook:

If all the concerned are transparent and so open to have any dialogue, if each can talk freely without fear or hesitation, 'friendship on Facebook' is not a problem.

Well, all have to be frank and open is a pre-condition or better be away from here, as otherwise also they are!


After crossing primary stage of it, one starts loving and enjoying obesity. Then things are difficult.

Only diet control and exercise is the master key to get rid of it.

No crash diet course or costly weight loss programme can do magic.

One has to decide and act... or complications like high Blood Pressure (B.P.), diabetes, joint pains and heart troubles are ready.

Blindness - All A Seeing Person Must Know

Blindness is a state of being sightless or say an inability to see. World Health Organization - WHO (1972) describes blindness as the inability to count fingers at the distance of 3 meters in day-light after best possible spectacle correction in the better eye OR visual field less than 10° around the centre of fixation.

Blindness is of three TYPES:
  1. Loss of visual acuity.
  2. Colour blindness: Inability to recognize colours, and
  3. Night blindness: Night vision is damaged.

Death, at 60

Continued from the series I, at 60; Relations, at 60; Money, at 60 and Medical Practice, at 60

Am I ready to die? The answer is yes and no. If given choice, I don’t want to die before my father. If so is allowed, I want to be with him serving till his last breath and yes, then I am ready.

Actually, I had sorted out my wishes during my terminal illness where I am unconscious regarding 1. Organ donation, body donation and eye donation, 2. Treatment schedule especially telling when they should be stopped, 3. Protocols to be followed at the time of death and 4. Formalities not to be observed after my death and enlisted them. But then I suddenly realized the futileness of such exercise and accordingly, I have omitted all as a mark of respect to my concerned ones.

Medical Practice, at 60

I was one of the brightest of students during my academic career. I respected my teachers and I was their favourite student. I have studied up to 28 years of age to pass M.S. in Ophthalmology and practised for 32 years. I know practising in a small village-like town does bring more practice and less money. I was the only eye specialist available serving needy poor of the area for more than two decades

I have worked as honorary visiting eye-surgeon at Eye camps organized at Adivasi (tribal) and poor areas of Vansda, Ahwa, Dharampur for a long time - at Gram Seva Trust, Kharel and Bodhi Gaya (Bihar) eye-camps for more than five years. I am working at Rotary Eye Hospital, Chikhali till today in addition to my private practice.

Money, at 60

Continued from I, at 60 and Relationship, at 60

If a person is ready to live a simple life in old age with minimum needs, any savings one has done is enough. Generally, all at 60 and beyond feel whatever one has earned is very little – one has missed the chance to earn. When I graduated my MBBS in 1974, all were leaving for the US. I opted for serving my motherland India and my parents; today I have no regrets for the decision. If serving the poor with full dedication is considered to balance, I have earned it at maximum. If poor appreciation is an issue, I suggest to bother about Karmic Theory of results and remain aloof.