Should You Visit The Taj Mahal?

Should I at all visit 'the Taj' the Taj Mahal?

Yes, it is a must, because we have the world’s best wonder (The best of seven wonders of the world) and nothing should stop you from visiting it. Let me tell what others say about Taj.

What do visitors say?

French traveller Bernier said, “Of all the seven wonders of the world (1) Great Wall of China 7Th BC. China, (2) Petra 100 BC. Jordan, (3) Machu Picchu 1450AD. Peru, (4) Chinchan Itza 600 AD. Mexico, (5) Colossian 80AD. Italy, (6) Taj Mahal 1648AD. India, (7) Great Pyramid of Geisha 2560 BC. Egypt., Taj is the best. How can I praise unshaped pyramids of Gaza or irregular long wall of China and any of the other fort after seeing Taj Mahal- a poem in marble?”

મગજ ન ગુમાવો, વજન ગુમાવો

મગજ ન ગુમાવો, વજન ગુમાવો

(Don't Lose Your Mind, Lose Your Weight)

લેખિકા: ઋજુતા દિવેકર (Rujuta Diwekar), અનુવાદ: રેખા ઉદયન 

પુસ્તક પરિચય: ડો. ભરતચંદ્ર એમ. દેસાઈ

વધેલા વજનથી હતાશ અને ગભરાયેલા લોકોએ સરળ રરત્તો જાણવો હોય તો આટલું જરૂર જાણો. તંદુરસ્તી માપવા માટે વજનકાંટા કે મેઝર ટેપત્તી જરૂર પડે એવું થોડું જ છે? તમારા લગ્ન પ્રત્યે તમે ખરા દિલથી કામ કરતા હો અને ભરપૂર જિંદગી જીવતા હો, તો તમે ફિટ જ છો. આપ, પૌષ્ટિક અને યોગ્ય આહાર લેવા ઉપરાંત જીવન ભરપૂર માણતા પણ શીખવું જોઈએ, ત્યારે જ તમે ફિટ કહેવાઓ.

અહીં આપેલી સૂચનાઓનો કરશો તો Compensatory Diet, Herbal Diet, Crash Diet, Fat Free, Sugar Free, Baked diet, Comfort Food, South Beach Diet, Atkin Diet અને આવા અટપટા - ભૂખમરાવાળા અને થકવનારા ખોરાક (Diet Plan)થી ચોક્કસ મુક્તિ મળશે અને ભુખા રહ્યા વગર, ખાઈ-ખાઈને વજન ઉતારી શકશો.

On Father’s Day

Parents are important. Because we take birth because of them. They get married (usually)and decide to become parents. They stop anti-pregnancy drugs-contraceptives, they start loving(!) each other and have a physical relationship or sometimes even tolerate the torture of IVF and the end result is the birth of a child - YOU! So, in a time of very late marriages, delayed parenthood and zero-to-one child, to take birth is no accident. The point being, the parents are important and the children should be grateful to them.

2018 - The Centenary Year of My Highschool D.C.O. Killa Pardi

To my greatest surprise, one fine morning I received a memento with my name inscribed, in the honour of outstanding academic achievements! Turned out that Pardi Education Society's trustees and event organisers (including the Vice President Hemant J. Desai) had sent this memento as part of the centenary celebrations of my high school D.C.O. (1918-2018). This award depicting the story of grand 100-year celebrations inspired me to write about my story with nostalgic emotions and the then D.C.O. High School. Killa Pardi.

It gives me great pleasure to witness the 100-year celebration of my school where I was a student (1963 to 1967), 50 years ago! So, all I wish to tell you here is a story of my experiences as a student in an era of student-teacher relationship 50 years back.

Kankaria Carnival, Flower Show And Ahmedabad

25-Dec-2017 onwards, I had talked with my friend Anilbhai Desai on phone two-three times. Every time, he mentioned the worthiness of seeing Kankaria Carnival and invited us. But I was resistant to go. On 30-Dec-2017, while talking with Jayshreeben Desai, she also invited and insisted to visit Ahmedabad. So, my wife Bhavana and I accepted the invitation. In fact, when we need to face young generation people, we avoid out of fear of difference and generation gap. Even visiting close relatives and friends is not that pleasing nowadays, and so we avoid as far as possible. I had sufficiently interacted with Anilbhai's son – Darshan and his wife Shalu, so I could be little courageous to decide for the visit.

Janki Van – A Nature Retreat

If you want to be alone to be with nature, it is an ideal spot. But if you enjoy crowds with your group this is an equally important place to visit.

42 km from Bilimora on Vansda Road, we reached Janki Van in less than an hour. Dr Nayana Patel, Dr Bhavana Desai (my wife) and I visited the place impromptu on a weekday.

The name Janki is related to Sita Mata of Ramayana and it is believed that at a certain point in the history, Sita Mata did stay here. The garden, a great picnic spot (16 hectors big), is situated 5 km away from Vansda, 6 km from Unai and 42 km from Bilimora. It is developed by the Gujarat Forestry Department under social forestry action and was inaugurated on 02-Aug-2015 while celebrating the Forest Day. Please, keep in mind it remains closed on Monday and visiting hours are 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Diabetes Awareness Session (Free Entry)

Did you know, diabetes is a leading cause of blindness in adults?

Inviting residents in and around Bilimora town, to an awareness session on diabetes.

Event details:
  1. Know and understand diabetes
  2. Diet for those having diabetes
  3. Exercises recommended
Speaker: Dr. Pradeepbhai Patel & Diabetes Team (Spandan Hospital, Chikhali)

Entry fees: FREE

Complications - When Doctor Commits Mistakes

When a new doctor is learning for the first time or when a senior doctor is learning or not learning a new technique, who suffers? Naturally, a patient. When we visit a doctor with a physical problem as a patient, we expect perfection. But it is not easy to get. So, we have to understand how the doctors may make mistakes.

We look for medicine to be an orderly field of knowledge and procedure. But it is not. It is an imperfect science, all enterprise of constantly changing knowledge, uncertain information and fallible individuals. It is not only science but also habit, intuition and plain guessing. This article is about dealing with mistakes made by doctors and their remedy.

ઢળતી ઉંમરે તન-મનની માવજત

ઢળત્તી ઉમરે તન-મનના માવજત. (૨૦૧૬)

લેખક: પ્રો. ગણેશભાઈ કે. પટેલ
પુરત્તક પરિચય: ડૉ. ભરતચંદ્ર એમ. દેસાઈ

પુરત્તક પરિચય આપનાર પાસે વાચક પુસ્તક કેવું છે, કયા વિષયની છણાવટ કરેલી છે, લેખક કોણ છે, જેવી માહિતીની અપેક્ષા રાખે છે. ઉપરાંત પુસ્તક કાગળ, છાપકામ, જોડણી અને ચિત્રોથી સજાવેલ છે કે કેમ તે પણ જાણવા ઈચ્છે છે.

Who Is At Fault: India, Pakistan, Or Both?

India-Pakistan relation’s issue is a very complex subject and to summarise it in a 180-page book needs great skill. This interesting book ‘India Vs Pakistan: Why Can’t We Just Be Friends?’ written by Husain Haqqani caught all my attention. I also got an opportunity to present its review to my fellow members of the Senior Citizenship Club. Following their enthusiastic response to my talk, I now have this great urge to share the review with my blog readers as well.

I shall try by introducing the author, telling about different wars, what leaders of India, Pakistan and other nations tell and finally the conclusion.

The Author: Hussain Haqqani

Hussain Haqqani is a Pakistani, who is a former Pakistani Ambassador to the US. Not only that, but he was also an advisor to four Pakistani Prime Ministers including Late Benazir Bhutto. The author is currently the Director for South and Central Asia at the Hudson Institute in Washington DC. The authenticity of his writing increases because he is an academician per se and journalist.

To better comprehend the current scenario, we must dive into the Indo-Pak history of close to seven decades. Let’s start with the wars.