Facebook Diseased

Cyberworld and You - Part 2

Here I want to conclude my first article on the same subject with important closing remarks.

I have tried to describe four signs of the DISEASED person - they may or may not apply any of us!
1. Friends List:

S/he will go on adding great number of friends in her/his list. S/he may or may not know you, in fact s/he does not want to know you nor interested in you. S/he is bothered only about number of friends appearing behind her/his name - 100's -- 1000's and like that.

2. S/he thinks the following:
  • S/he is superior to you.
  • S/he is smarter than you.
  • S/he is richer than you.
  • S/he is more intelligent than you are.
To prove his wrong belief on you, he will put his own well-dressed photographs, will put his national and international tour photos with III, V or VII star hotels visible in the said frame; he will write articles on different subjects with difficult to understand words poured here and there. He will remain hyperactive on Facebook, because he will not leave you without showing all these things off.

3. S/he will wish to read following of the comments on what s/he shows or writes:
  • It's GREAT
  • It's TRUE
  • I liked it
  • Awesome
  • Wah-wah
  • Wonderful
  • …and such other words
4. S/he will never praise anyone or write appreciating comments on any of the work – whatsoever!

Well, think about all these signs of Facebook users. Does any one of four signs apply to you, then do needful. It is never late.

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