Father's Letter To Son On Completion Of Studies

May 24, 2012 , , , 5 Comments

My letter to my son Rahul on completion of studies.

December 21, 2004

Beloved Ravi,

When one is finalizing a job if options are available, what are the basic criteria?
  1. Place: Country/city
  2. Salary and probable increments
  3. Advantage of learning and exposure to updating
  4. Parents
The discussion that follows has some role only when one has multiple choices-options available; the otherwise first available opportunity has to be grabbed and think rest of the details later.

1. Place:
  • Country: Whether one is having the desire to serve one’s own land or not, own country is the best; anywhere else, we may be treated as second-grade citizens and insulted now and then.
  • In India, when one has to choose between different states and cities - if all other parameters are same, one near homeland should be given preference. For example, for Gujarati native, if one has to choose between Pune, Bangalore and Chennai, the order of choice should be Pune, then Bangalore and last Chennai. The main advantage here is family contact and visit becomes easy whenever desired.
2. Salary:
  • While we meet the employer, we should not submit to offers with less salary than one thinks appropriate. In your case, you find out ideal minimum and ideal expected increment after a certain period.
  • Bond: IF one is certain to join a given firm, a bond of certainty for a period of two years is not more. But bond beyond two years should be evaluated with caution and proper investigation - if possible avoided.
  • Leave: During the year, vacations of fixed duration, sick leave and one-day type casual leave has to be understood properly or later on same becomes a matter of unhappiness and tension.
  • Working hours and days: Say from morning what time to evening what time and lunch break, if any, has to be found out. Weekly holidays on Sunday or else has to be understood properly beforehand.
3. Technical Development and Prospect:
  • If the employer is a big reputed company with a research-oriented goal, it should get priority over salary.
  • If one is working with an experienced and encouraging boss who is ready to cater the needs of a developing understaff, he is better.
  • The team of other colleagues working together are also important.
  • Exposure to technical development and research is also important.
4. Parents:
  • When parents are not demanding, the hurry to earn is less. But at the same time, parents are always eager to get a lot from ones' offsprings.
  • The desire of parents has three stages:
  1. Stops asking for financial aid,
  2. Earns enough for self and lastly
  3. Gives to parents for spending.
Well, every time one's understanding and planning may not succeed; higher ambitions are must.
Best of luck and lots of love,

Mummy and Pappa

An ophthalmologist by qualification and profession, Dr. Bharatchandra Desai loves reading about history, religion, and spirituality. He has written about them and also about 'Anavils' at length. Read all articles. ડૉ. ભરતચંદ્ર દેસાઈના ગુજરાતી લેખો વાંચવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો.


  1. An excellent letter from father to son.

    1. Thank you, Ravindrabhai, for your comment and that way appreciation.
      Every point mentioned has to be reviewed with reference ones' circumstances.

      Dr Bharat Desai

  2. Selection of the country advise made me thinking "How to translate in Global Economy"?
    1) How would Mr. Lakshmi Mittle become worlds largest steel producer had he not left his home country?
    2) How would Mr.  Shabeer Bhatia create Hotmail, had he not left his home country?
    3) How would Mr. Sergey Brin and Mr. Larry Page invented Google, had they not left their home country?

    1. @Anonymous,

      Well, I am just giving a way to think for planning one's future....and evyone need not remain in one's home country.

      Anyway, nice thoughtful response, I liked it

  3. Nice explanation


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